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Twas the night were all monsters roam free

Free of their cages pulling them down sea

But now the monsters roam, terrifying those around

"MINNNNNAAAAAA!!" The small blonde cried out.

Mina bursted in, ready to have a smack down with whoever tried to hurt her baby. "WHAT IS IT?! WHAT IS IT?!"

"I wanna go trick or treating!" The blondes now smaller figure sat pouting on his now oversized bed.

Mina chuckled, the cuteness almost being to much to handle. She walked over and grabbed the small bean off his bed. "Well then, let's see if Momo can make you a costume!"

"YAY!" Denki cried, raising his hands in the air.


Bakugou sat with Kirishima at the dinning table. Bakugou look at his instagram, checking his following. "Hah, look at this Shitty Hair!"

Bakugou showed his phone to the other. His following immediately catching the red heads eyes. '569'.

Kirishima smirked, resting his hand on his hand. "Hah, nice try Bakugou." Kirishima took a side glance at him "But take a look at this."

Kirishima shoved his phone in Bakugou's face. 'Followers: 1k'. Bakugou's face turned to rage.

"What the hell?! How did you get so many?!?!" Bakugou yelled, causing small explosions to erupt.

Kirishima laughed as he kept his skin hardened. "Guys, please don't fight infront of Kaminari..."

The two looked towards the hall, to find a worried Mina and a Kaminari who was on the bridge of having a meltdown.

Kirishima immediately got up and tried to comfort the tiny baby. Bakugou just sat there confused. When did Denki turn into a baby?

"Oh right, you don't know what happened." Mina sighed, giving the small baby to Kirishima. Mina walked over to the confused boy and took a seat.

"Kaminari was walking back from the store a few days ago. He got attacked by a random villian who reversed his age." Mina explained.

Kaminari rested his head on Kirishima's broad chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Suddenly Momo came in with a tiny demon onesie.

"Oh!" Mina got up and sprinted towards her. "Thank you so much Momo!" She grabbed the costume from her hands and admired it.

"It's no problem really! Who's gonna take him out trick or treating?" Momo asked, resting her hand on her hip.

"Oh I-" "I AM!" Bakugou interrupted. Mina shot him a dirty glare as Kaminari giggled.

"As I was saying, I am going to go out with Kirishima, but looks like Bakubitch wants to come too..." Mina folded her arms, carefully trying to not wrinkle the article of clothing.

"Well I made it out of Merino Wool, that should keep him warm." Momo walked away waving as Mina and Kirishima waved back.


Knock Knock

The lady opened the door to find two males and one female holding a baby boy. The boy had on a demon onsie letting his black lightning bolt show. He smiled widely before opening his mouth.



Hey, so I tried to get this out on Halloween and... You can see how that worked out. Anyways.. Happy (late) Halloween!

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