SHUT UP - Iida x Kaminari

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This chapter includes
-Soulmate AU
-Soulmate feels same pain
-Brief mentions of violence

Iida was thrilled to know that he had a soulmate, but did their injury had to be so severe? Iida was six when he first felt it, pain coursing through his arms, ribs, and legs. When he screamed Tensei came storming in, but he couldn't figure out why he was screaming. He was just sitting down, finishing coloring a picture of Tensei when he felt the pain.

Tensei ran up to him and held him close. "Tenya! Tenya what's the matter? What happened?"

"M-My... I-It hurts! I-It just hurts!" Tenya cried, holding onto his brothers shirt his tears hitting the fabric.

"What hurts? What happened?" Tensei asked frantically, looking around for any injuries his younger brother might have gotten.

"I-I.. I-I was just c-coloring, t-then everything h-hurt!" Tenya's glasses was forgotten on the floor, he pushed his face deeper into Tensei's shirt still crying hysterically.

Tensei stopped and smiled. "Tenya, you have a soulmate!" Tensei giggled at the confused look his younger brother gave him. The rest of the day was spent with the 12 year old Tensei explaining what he knew about Soulmate to his six year old brother.


Almost every day Iida felt so sort of pain. Somedays worse than others. But Iida knew one thing was clear, his soulmate must have thousands of scars.


It was silent, the night sky being the only source illuminating the forest path. A golden haired boy ran in the shadows, his black cloak hiding his scared body. He stopped and crouched down just as hero walked in front of him.

The heroes eyes beamed red, his black hair flying high upbove his head. The grey scarf floating in mid air. The boy grimaced, it was Eraserhead, the only hero stupid enough to try and get the boy civilized.

As Eraserhead's head turned to the boy's direction he ducked behind a tree. Still avoiding his gaze, the boy climbed the tree sitting on a branch. His cloak hang down slightly, quickly being pulled up by the wearer. He slid his hood down in fear of his eyes glowing a revealing where he is.

"I know you are out there kid." Eraserhead said, bringing his yellow goggles to rest upon his face, his eyes now hidden. "I won't stop until I find you. A teenager like you needs a stable home! I can take you to my school where you'll be safe!"

The boy grimaced yet again, he knew there was no place anyone was safe. The forest was him home, he didn't need anything more! A mosquito landed on the boy's arm, the boy swatted and killed the pesky insect only realizing his mistake mere seconds later.

Eraserhead heard the smack and quickly threw his scarf to where the noise came from. He watched as the black figure jumped out of the way right before he was captured. Eraserhead growled reeling his scarf back and chasing after the kid he was looking for. The kid was fast, he'd give him that.

The boy grabbed onto the metal chains looped around his waist by tiny clips. He twirled them around and threw the chain with a anchor look alike to a branch and swung. He quickly lost the hero, he smirked as he hid in the bushes resisting the urge to laugh as the watch the usually calm hero stamp his feet down in anger.

"Golden~!" The boy's eyes widened as he slowly turned around, only widening larger at the blade ready to demolish his life. "I found you~!"


Class 1-A sat in the common room of their dorms. 19 students sat, missing their 20th student who had just recently been demoted to General Studies. The TV was on, showcasing Avatar the Last Airbender in remembrance of their friend.

The Dekusquad, consisting of Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Iida, and Shinsou; sat on the couch opposite of the Bakusquad, consisting of Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero, Mina, and Jirou; everybody else sat on the floor.

Iida sat with his back perfectly parallel to the back of the couch. They were all relaxing, until Iida screamed. His arm felt like it was on fire, his glasses fell as he hunched over his knees, his friends trying to comfort him. The pain brought back memories of when Iida was six but this was just horrible. His throat ached as he kept screaming, pain erupting in multiple places now. Black dots filled his vision, the pain was too much.

Ears rang at the sudden silence as Iida passed out. All that ran through everyone's mind was if Iida's Soulmate was okay.


The boy woke up in a white room, the sounds of beeping ringing through his ears. He groaned, finding it hard to do anything physical. He felt something binding around his face and mostly all of his body. His eyes moved around, finding only white until his eyes landed on that damned hero. He scowled Eraserhead perked up.

"Ah, you're awake. Listen kid, the doctors need to ask you a few questions, and you NEED to answer them!" Eraserhead barked, pointing an accusing finger at the dormant boy.

On cue, a doctor walked in a clipboard in his hands. "Good, you're awake," He started, flipping a few pages on his clipboard his glasses slightly falling off his nose. "There is no record of anyone looking like you in our database and anyone coming in for the injures you got before this incident. So we need to ask you questions about yourself."

The boy growled but complied, turning his head to the doctor, finding the strength to do so. "Okay, first of all. What's your name?"

"Denki Kaminari."

"Okay, when were you born?"

"Sometime during the summer months."

"Can you be more specific? What month, year, and day?"

"I don't know! I lived in the forest for all my life! We used the sun to tell the time! All I know is that it was sometime during summer!"

"Okay, we'll have to find that out later. Do you know where your parents are?"

"They were killed by a rouge Asiatic Black Bear. Around 10 years ago."

"Okay that's all for now, Eraserhead you'll need to teach him about... basically everything." Eraserhead scowled, already feeling some pity for the kid. But he'll never show it.

The doctor walked out and it was silent for a few seconds. Eraserhead turned to the kid, getting a good look at him. Sure he had a look at the kid when he was calling the ambulance, but he was covered in blood.

His golden hair had to be cut off because it was so matted, it looked like he'd never brushed it in his life. And finding out where he was his whole life Aizawa was not surprised. He had an undercut with his bangs slightly longer than the back, a black lightening bolt lay on his right bang. He had golden eyes, just like his hair with black pupils. His body was covered in bandages which didn't surprise the teacher considering what that villain did.

"Your name is Kaminari, correct?" He started, continuing after the blonde nodded at him. "My real name is Aizawa, which you will be calling me when you come to my school. Like the doctor said, I'll have to teach you everything. So you can ask me anything."

It took a few seconds before the kid talked again. "What's a doctor and what's a school?"

"A doctor is someone who treats your injuries. And a school is where you learn new material."

The rest of the night was spent with Kaminari pointing to random things in the room and Aizawa explaining what they were the best he could. It reminded Aizawa of a toddler, learning everything about the world.


Part 2 because I have writers block on this and need time to think of a way to end this.

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