Chapter 4• A dream and a nightmare

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I again wake up to the sound of metal banging on the stone wall and the sound of my brother's voice saying "I want you all in the training room in half an hour. This includes breakfast." I watch as everyone slowly gets up and starts to change as I do so myself. I remember that Molly and Peter left a muffin on my desk, but when I look over at where it was, it's gone. I leave it and go to the cafeteria to grab another one. The muffin was probably stale anyway.

I see Peter waving me over to a table that has everyone we always sit in, but is in a different spot. I guess our usual table was taken. I walk over to Peter, Molly, Eric and Will, and take the empty seat next to Peter. "What are we doing today for initiation?" I heard Molly ask Eric.

"I can't tell you that."

"But why not?" Molly started pouting and giving Eric the puppy dog eyes.

"That doesn't work on him." I butted in. "Trust me on that one. I tried four the four years he was with me, but he didn't budge." I shoot him a pleading glare to try one last time, but his face is rock solid.

"I can't tell you because that wouldn't be fair to the other initiates." Eric said his face not moving.

I kept pleading with what I know will always work on him "Not even for your own sister. I guess you don't love me anymore." I said, forcing a few tears out of my eyes. I knew he was never good with seeing me cry. He once beat up a Candor kid for making me cry.

"Fine." He sighed "We're working on fighting technique, because tomorrow you start to fight each other."


As Eric explained what he told Peter, Will, Molly and I at breakfast I feel Peter grab my hand. Not a forceful grab like he was going ng to beat me up, a gentle grab, like my parents would do occasionally.

"Hurry up!" Is all I heard Eric say. With that Peter and I separate and help each other with the punching bags. I held it while he hit it, and he held it while I hit it. We talked and laughed as we did so, until Eric came over.

"Can I steal Tris for a second?" Eric said, as he grabbed my arm. I saw Peter nod as Eric pulled me away.

"If you keep laughing like that Four is going to think that you're not taking this seriously and cut you." Eric scolds.

"What do you mean cut me?" I say with a mixture of confusion and anger lacing my tone.

"There are two stages in training, and at the end of each the people ranked lowest get cut."

"I'll tell Peter. Thanks Eric." I said as I walked over to where Peter continues punching the orange bag.

"Hey." He greets grinning.

"Hey. Eric just told me that there are cuts at the end of each stage, so we need to take this more seriously."

Peter nods and we continue practicing. We were silent for the most part; the only time one of us would speak was to help the other person.

After what felt like forever I finally hear Eric's voice.

"Tomorrow you will start to fight each other. You have half an hour left to train, so make good use of it." With that he motions for is to continue practicing.


I wasn't hungry for dinner because I was too worried about the fights. Peter and Molly just brought their food into the dorm so that we could all talk.

Molly started the conversation on a bad note. "What happens if we have to fight each other?"

"Go just as hard as you could anyone else. You can't put your life in jeopardy for one of us." Peter said.

"What do you mean put my life in jeopardy?"


"You camembert how Eric pulled me off during practice?" I cut Peter off. "He told me that after each stage of training, the lowest initiates get cut?"

"Cut? What do you mean cut?"

"I mean they're out. Factionless."

The rest of the night we sat there in silence until eventually we all fell asleep.


"First fight, Peter, verse Tris."


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