The Corl Fiasco Continues :/

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I know this book is usually just fun and silly, but today.. I just found out about something and I'm concerned so I'm gonna tell y'all about it.

So, if you've been following the Corl drama since the Twitter incident like I have, you've probably already seen these pictures:

So, if you've been following the Corl drama since the Twitter incident like I have, you've probably already seen these pictures:

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Honestly I'm more disappointed than scared- although I am pretty unsettled

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Honestly I'm more disappointed than scared- although I am pretty unsettled.

I realize this happened about a month ago, but I literally just found out about it his morning.

I don't think I fully understand what's going on, but if any of you haven't seen any of this yet, I'll try my best to explain it.

So, it's not very complicated, it's just after months of being inactive on any social media, Corl just posts the photos above from seemingly out of nowhere. If he came back at all, I was hoping he would say something along the lines of "So, I've been gone for a long time and I've gotten the chance to reflect on what happened, and I think I've matured. I'm sorry." I never thought in a million years his great comeback to the internet would be pictures of him with an actual shotgun with no context whatsoever.

I mean, it just makes me feel uncomfortable.. unsettled. Just the look in his eyes messes with me for some reason. These pictures aren't sitting well with me, and I bet y'all feel the same way.

Jumping to conclusions isn't really the best route, and I'm not trying to scare you into thinking he's some sort of criminal, but I think we should be safe instead of sorry. What I'm about to say more than likely isn't true - it's pure speculation - but, what if this is a message? These pictures, as unsettling (I literally can't stress this word enough) as they may be, they could mean something.

Maybe he's plotting something. I mean, we never truly know our favorite YouTubers. All we see of who they are is what they allow us to see. The better, funnier, happier part of themselves that comes out when the camera turns on. God only knows what happens when we're not around. People are different behind closed doors.

Braden is no exception. He may still be hung up on The Pals, his long dead career, and maybe even giving the boys' what he considers justice. I'm not saying he would literally kill The Pals for kicking him from their YouTube gaming group- I'm just saying he knows where they live and I'd rather not go into YouTube one day to find out those lovable boys were hurt.

And then there's my second theory: what if he's suicidal? What if those three odd pictures were his strange version of a cry for help? Maybe he doesn't plan to hurt anyone else, maybe he's going to hurt himself. That's no better and I really hope I'm wrong.

I mean, take into account what all's happened in the past year. What's visible to us, the Twitter fiasco, being kicked from his YouTube group and losing his dream, people hating on him nonstop. It's hard. Very hard. It must've hurt him to see people turn on him so quickly- and I'm not condoning his actions toward that fan in the slightest, what he said was inappropriate, rude, immature and just downright disrespectful- all I'm saying, is there was probably a reason he lashed out. Something - or somethingS - in his personal life, maybe? Who knows what happens in his life. He could've been struggling like crazy to keep his head above water and then suddenly he snapped.

And if this means nothing, if these photos were just his very strange sense of humor coming back again after months of being M.I.A, if he is still bitter about being kicked, and he's just continuing the immature behavior we've come to know in the past year, I'm highly disappointed.

I have - and I know the majority of the people reading this have too - looked up to Braden. Ever since the start of "Corl" and "The Pals", I was there. I adored him and Denis, Alex, Sub, and then Elijah when he joined. They inspired me to become a YouTuber someday myself, they showed me I could do it. They gave me confidence. They made me laugh during a time in my life when that didn't happen much.

And now, they've gone separate ways (for the most part), and Braden's gone crazy apparently. I really looked up to him. It just hurts now that he's showing his bad side- his ridiculously immature and rude self that we never saw when he was just playing Roblox.

Tell me what your theories are in the comments! I hope y'all are doing okay, and I hope Braden gets better. I'm gonna keep him in my prayers, he needs help and God's just the one to give him that. Mock that if you want, but God literally made everything so you can bet everything he can help one guy.

Love yall💜 thank you for reading!

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