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"I didn't know I was being so annoying," Jiwoo sounded calm, yet Jungeun could feel it wouldn't last for long "To you and Jungeunie."

Jinsoul on the other hand was trying hard not to run off and jump into the ocean, drown herself into the salty waves so she doesn't have to face Jungeun being disgusted by her. She made imaginary scenarios in her mind, where the woman would either kill her by throwing her into a tank full of sharks or leaving her all alone to deal with the mess in her head that Jiwoo had created by coming back. Jinsoul couldn't bear neither of the possibilities. Especially the latter. Jungeun was too important to her, losing her would've been worse than death.

"I'm sorry I'm always such a pain in the ass," she sighed "That in order to get rid of me you had to humiliate me, make me hate myself more than I already did."

The blonde could feel Jungeun's eyes on her and for the first time, she didn't want it. She didn't want her attention. She didn't want to be close to her, hear her suck in a breath everytime Jiwoo talked or feel her leg shake. Jinsoul wanted to be gone. 

"It would've been better if it was you who brought me so much physical pain," spoke Jiwoo "That way, the mental pain you caused might not have been there. Because if it was you, who punched and kicked, you wouldn't have gone any further and I would've been able to brush it off as you having anger issues. I would've known you didn't actually mean it."

Time slowed down, the truth was coming out. Jinsoul accepted the fact that she won't ever be able to escape, that the guilt coming back along with the memories of that day were a sign. A sign she didn't exactly know the meaning of, yet would try to improve herself anyway. Not only for her, but the people around her. Everyone she wanted to keep close, have in her life despite the wrong choices she made. 

"I'm so sorry I made you jealous, think that I was in love with Jungeun," her breathing got heavier as she talked "I'm sorry you felt the only way to stop me from being around you guys you was to hire someone to molest me." 

Jungeun opened her mouth to shout, but nothing came out. Her eyes were wide and her brows knitted as she asked for Jinsoul to explain herself. Though the woman didn't reply. She closed her eyes and took in a breath, she was already in memory lane.

"Who's that?" asked Jiwoo as she looked at Sooyoung.

The man in black walked towards the pair, puffing out smoke. He trailed a finger on the red head's jawline and when he saw she flinched, a loud laugh erupted from within him.

"You don't remember me, honey?" Sooyoung had backed away, joining Jinsoul's side while man talked.

The anger was evident on the woman's face and she scoffed. Her eyes followed every movement of the man's move, disregarding how uncomfortable Jiwoo looked.

"Do you guys want a room?" Sooyoung asked "You can even fuck her, dude. She's totally not my girlfriend."

The man in black smirked and looked back at the two women before returning his attetion to the redhead. Nodding his head, he grabbed her arm and dragged her away. He didn't care the woman was shaking. All he wanted was money.

The money Jinsoul offered.

"I don't know how by destroying my relationship with Sooyoung unnie would make things better, but I—" Jiwoo stopped herself "It doesn't matter. Nothing does."

Jinsoul could imagine the screams, the scratches and kicks, the punching. She didn't want to imagine it anymore. She didn't want the cries to sound in her head, the image of the weak red head trying push herself off the ground.

"At least he used protection," said the younger, making Jungeun bury her face in her hands "Thank you for that I guess."

To this day, the blonde didn't know why she had decided to do such thing. Only when she went home that night did she think back to her actions. She was blinded by anger but knew it wasn't an excuse.

"I hope you dropped Sooyoung unnie back home that night," Jiwoo spoke "I wouldn't want her to get hurt walking back home late at night."

Jinsoul did, she drove the woman back to her apartment and expressed all her frustration towards Jiwoo.

"I honestly don't know what I'm still doing with her," Sooyoung groaned "First  Chaewon, then the video that went around school and now this. Why do I keep letting her back into my heart?"

"Yeah, I know right!" Jiwoo had to hurt, she had to be in real pain for Jinsoul to get her revenge. No one could take Jungeun away from her "You should break up with her."

Sooyoung thought of it for a while as she looked out the window of the moving car. She had given Jiwoo too many chances to explain and she always said the exact same thing "They set me up!". It was about time Sooyoung was set free from the relationship that had been stressing her out so much.

"You're right, I will."

The blonde wanted the memories erased from her head. For a moment she wanted the earth to shake hard and rip open, suck her in and never let her out.

"You gave her great advice while I having fun with some stranger you hired," it sounded ironic "I was such a bad girlfriend."

Jungeun shook her head, not being able to look at Jinsoul again. Her hands anxiously fiddled with the towel around her body as she waited for the message to be over.

"I hope Jungeun doesn't think the same of you," Jiwoo sighed "Farewell, unnie. I wish you all the best in life."

And it ended, just like that. Leaving the two women not knowing what to do.

"We should talk." Jungeun spoke and sat up, eyes closed as she ruffled her hair.


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