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Me:"why are you angry this time?"

Ira:"REGINA!! She's such a brat!! She may be with the Glitter Force now, but she somehow still thinks she can come and go from the hideout as she pleases!!! INCLUDING sneaking into my bedroom at night while I'm asleep and TAKING MY DIARY!!!!!"

Me:"OOF! What did she do??"

Ira:"she took my diary from my room and read through the most embarrassing passages she could find and then read them to Marmo and Bel, now all she has to do is tell the Glitter Force and my life is over!!!!"

Me:"have you tried taking it back from her?"

Ira:"yes, and she won't give it back...whatever, I'm going to my room!"

_With the Glitter Force_

Regina:"*runs up to the Glitter Force*hey, guys! Check out what I got!!!*holds up a black book with purple details that says "Ira's Diary" on the cover*"

Rachel:"*gasp*REGINA!! That's not good!! How many people have you shown this to?!"

Regina:"just Marmo and Bel so far, but wait till you hear this-

Clara:"Regina, please, tell us you didn't steal it!"

Regina:"what's the big deal?! I thought you guys would think it's funny..."

Maya:"Regina, it's not all fun and games if you're just doing it to hurt someone else...imagine how Ira feels..."

Regina:"...well, actually...I know how he feels.."

Mackenzie:"what do you mean by that, Regina?"

Regina:"...he caught me showing his diary to Marmo and he repeatedly told me to give it back...I didn't listen and we started fighting and eventually, I just teleported away."



Regina:"but...I don't get it...Ira's such a jerk! Why are you guys defending him?!"

Rachel:"has it ever occurred to you that he's still a person with thoughts and feelings..? Or is he just a slave to you?!


Maya:"Rachel's right, Regina...Ira might act really mean, but during the amnesia incident, we all got to see a glimpse of his sweet side...he's a person, Regina...and I think you need to apologize..."

Regina:"but he won't forgive me!"

Rachel:"maybe not right now, but he can't stay mad forever!*takes the diary from Regina, transforms and uses her glitter crystal pad to teleport herself to Mercenare Hideout*"

Rachel:*walks past Marmo and Bel*

Marmo & Bel:"*notice her and stand up*what're you doing here?!"

Rachel:"*holds up Ira's diary* I know you're Mercenare's, but you're also grownups. You should've known better than to let Regina take his diary. Now, whether you like it or not, I'm going to Ira and making this right!*runs to Ira's bedroom and closes the door behind her to see Ira on his bed with his face in the pillows*..."

Ira:"go away, Regina-*sits up with tear stains on his face and sees it's Rachel*...what're you doing here..?*sees the diary in her hands*...are you here to make fun of me? Is that it?"

Rachel:"no, of course not...we didn't even let Regina read it to us...I came to give it back to you.."

Ira:"how'd you get Regina to give it to you?"

Rachel:"I didn't. I kind of just took it away from her and came here. But, it think we were able to knock some sense into her."


Rachel:"...*comes over and sits at the edge of the bed and hands the diary to Ira*it wouldn't be right if you didn't get it back..."

Ira:"...*takes the diary and sets it down on the bed beside him*why are you being so nice..?"

Rachel:"it doesn't matter to me whether you still see me as an enemy or not...you're still a person and I care about your feelings, Ira..I care about you...*hugs Ira*"

Ira:"...*eventually hugs back*"

Me:*hiding in a tree with four bags of chips and my phone recording them through Ira's bedroom window*

Marmo:"*flies up to me*hey, mind if I join the party?"

Me:"yeah, come here!"

Marmo:*sits beside me on a tree branch*

Me:*hands her a bag of chips*

Marmo:"thanks!*opens the chip bag and eats the chips while taking out a camera and snapping photos* oh, yeah! That's a keeper!"

Me:"shh! They'll notice us!"


Me & Marmo:"oopsie!"

Rachel:"uh oh..we're never gonna hear the end of this!"

Me & Marmo:"YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT, RACHEL!!*run away*"

Ira:"GET BACK HEEEEEERRRREEEEE!!!!!!*runs after us both*"

Ira:"GET BACK HEEEEEERRRREEEEE!!!!!!*runs after us both*"

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Me:*recording Ira with a video camera*

Ira:"............DIE!!!*throws a dagger at the video camera*"



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