Rant 5: Why? I Have No Idea..

481 16 8

Published: June 22nd, 2020

Ira:"ugh...how tall am I actually? When's my birthday? Why are these little pieces of somewhat simple yet important information always just done for more popular shows and not all? I mean, come on, I might as well still have amnesia-

Me:"*busts through the door like a drunk person* do I hear annoyance and complaining???"

Ira:"oh, god. It's you.."

Me:"the one and only my little minion! *insert cringy finger guns*"

Ira:"why are you talking like that??"

Me:"I dunno, it's currently 3AM and I'm sleep deprived, so-

Me:"I dunno, it's currently 3AM and I'm sleep deprived, so-

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Ira:"...really? MHA?"


Ira:"remind me why I'm here...?"

Me:"you exist because I allow it."


Ira:"...does that mean you hate me now and I can finally relax-




Ira:"says the irl potty mouth.."

Me:"...I can't argue with you there-


Me:"...wait, why am I here?"

Ira:"I don't know, you're the one writing stuff, here! God, you're such a loner! You're talking to an anime character!!"

Me:"shush, no one needs to know the truth!"

Ira:"suck it up! They already know!!"

Me:"go into the time-out corner!!"

Ira:"what time-out corner-*gets magically picked up by nothing and yeeted into a dark corner of the room*..."

Me:"now, you're going to sit there quietly while I eat my Timmies like a proper Canadian!! *sits on the couch, magically having a box of chocolate TimBits in my lap and starts eating them*"

Ira:"....shouldn't have peeved her off, now I want donuts..."

Me:"I'll save the last one for you if you behave like a good little cinnamon roll."

Ira:"...fine...but let me remind you, I'm supposed to be a villain and not a 'cinnamon roll' ..."

Me:"that's not what the fandom wants. The fandom wants RIRA and IWA DA BEANNN!!"

Ira:"how did I ever get mixed up in all of this...?"

Me:"*while continuing to munch on TimBits* one word: Amnesia."

Ira:"that's not MY fault!! It was the creators!!"

Me:"and those creators made the mistake of not giving you and your teammates more screen time!"


Me:"you want the last TimBit?"


Me:"too bad, you blew it."

Ira:"nooooo!!! *sad face*"

Me:"ugh, fine! Stop giving me that face!!"

Ira:"haha! *takes TimBit* when in doubt, just gotta pout!"

Me:"no fair! You used your baby face against meeeee!!"

Ira:"hehehehehehehehe *eats TimBit*"

Me:"go back to your corner!!"





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Me:"............I'm too nice to you-

Ira:"huh, what do you know! Being the favourite has its perks after all!"

Me:"yeah, yeah...welp, there was no actual point in this so I'm gonna try going back to bed even though it'll probably take another hour or two to do that..."

Ira:"good, go to bed so I can fall asleep on the couch in the hideout!"

Me:"do you ever just sleep in your room?"

Ira:"I like the couch..."

Me:"whatever... 'Night."

Ira:"goodbye, demon."

Me:"says the representation of Wrath."

Ira:"well, what would you like me to call you?"

Me:"demon will do."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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