~Cecilia's POV~
I was slowly regaining some of my memories as I slept, mostly memories of me and Claude, some with me and Alois and a few that were still very cloudy in a townhome in the city with an old maid. I spent most of my days singing, dancing and playing games with Alois or going on romantic strolls with Claude through the gardens. Things still didn't feel right, but I was growing a little more comfortable with my surroundings.
Alois tapped my arm with a laugh, "Tag you're it!" And he bolted into the gardens winding through the maze of rose bushes.
I laughed and raced after him.
He wove through the maze ahead of me; he knew this maze like the back of his hand. I darted after him moving swiftly, my shoes didn't make a sound as I raced across the cobblestone. I caught him by the marble fountain and wrapped my arms around him with a laugh.
"Got you!"
Alois laughed, "No, silly, that's not how you play tag."
"Are you sure?" I laughed as I tickled his sides.
Alois squealed in laughter and pulled away from me, "I'm really happy, that you're here, Cecilia." He smiled.
I ruffled his pale blonde hair and knelt beside him, "I am too."
He hugged me as Claude stepped through the clearing, "Here you two are, it's time for lunch young master." He swept Alois a bow and threw me a devilish smile.
I got to my feet and smoothed out my skirts. Alois placed his hand in mine, "Cecilia, will you sing to me?" He beamed.
I smiled down at him, "Sure." Before I had even asked what, he wanted me to sing I began singing a song in a language I hadn't even known I understood, a song that felt very familiar to me, an Italian lullaby of sorts.
My head began to throb and I saw a small boy with dark hair and eyes like mine sitting at an elegant table with a brilliant smile upon his face as I sang this exact song. When I finished singing, I rubbed my temples to ease the pain in my head.
"Are you alright, Cecilia?" Claude asked worried.
"I'm fine, just a small headache." I gave him a reassuring smile and followed Alois to the dining hall.
Alois smiled up at me suddenly, "I think I've just thought of the perfect nickname for you Cecilia."
I laughed, "What's that?"
"Cici." He beamed proudly.
A gasp escaped my lips as my head seared in pain and a vision flew to my mind with such vividness it about knocked me off my feet. ~Mini vision~ "Cici, will you sing me a lullaby?" The boy I had seen moments ago in my mind asked tentatively, he couldn't be more than 8 years old. "Of course, Ciel. Which one would you like me to sing?" I smiled at the boy as I sat on the edge of his bed and tucked him in. ~End Mini vision~
My knees gave way and I felt myself slipping toward the ground. Claude caught me in his arms, "Cecilia." He sounded panicked.
"I'm sorry; I saw something, a boy named Ciel. Do I have a brother?" I pondered confused.
Alois looked between me and Claude; he looked like he wanted to say something but kept silent as he watched the two of us.
Claude smiled sadly, "He passed away a few years back, in a fire."

Eternal Damnation [Black Butler]
FanfictionI turned the letter over in my hand, I hadn't seen my dear sister, Cecilia, since the fire, the doctors weren't sure she'd make it and she'd spent the past two years recovering from her extensive injuries. I'd thought I'd lost her. The letter was wr...