The End

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~Alois' POV~

I jolted awake with a cry and put my hand to my chest, I felt around quickly, there was no wound, no blood, nothing. What happened? Where am I? Why am I in a coffin? I looked down to make sure I wasn't having an out of body experience and my body wasn't still lying in the coffin while I floated around. No, I was whole. A man, who I recognized as Sebastian walked into the room and looked at me curiously.

"Where's Cecilia?" I demanded but my voice faltered the longer he held my gaze making me feel somewhat nervous.

"She's resting. How do you feel?" He asked me in a calm tone.

How did I feel? I thought about it, I wasn't in pain, but last thing I remembered was Claude stabbing me in the chest. No one could survive something like that, I unbuttoned my shirt to look at my chest there wasn't even a scar. Had I dreamed it all?

"I don't know." I admitted softly, "What happened?"

"I think it would be best for Cecilia to explain." He sighed but I saw a hint of a smile in his eyes as he thought of her. She really did ensnare everyone, like a spider in a web, I shook my head, no, Claude was a spider, Cecilia was nothing like him.

"Did I die?" I asked him quietly.

His crimson eyes softened at this, "you did."

"I thought I could see you guys for awhile, like I was floating and then I saw Cecilia holding my body...then I couldn't see you guys anymore, she brought me back, didn't she?"

He nodded.

"What happened to Claude?" Was he going to try and kill me again? Would he try and steal Cecilia away from Sebastian again?

"He's gone." Sebastian said calmly.

"Dead." I supplied for him.

Sebastian smiled and nodded.

I winced as I felt a burning deep within me working its way up to my throat and it began to feel dry. I felt like I was choking. What was happening to me? I couldn't get any air, was I dying? Sebastian smiled somberly and disappeared only to reappear with a vial filled with crimson liquid.

"Drink this."

I couldn't speak to refuse or ask what it was and he pressed the vial into my hands. I took it hesitantly, what was happening to me? Where was Cecilia? I tipped the vial and some of the crimson liquid spilled into my mouth, whatever it was it was warm and thick and made me want to gag, but it relieved the strangling thirst and it tasted sweet with a bitter aftertaste.

"What was that?" I asked curiously.

"Do you really want to know?" Sebastian pondered his crimson eyes were glowing but I didn't feel scared, I felt stronger than I'd ever felt before. I could see things in a new light, I could see things far across the room from me and they appeared to me as they would if I were holding them in front of me. What had happened to me?

I nodded in response to Sebastian's prior question.

"Blood, it carries a human's life essence."

My eyes went wide at this, "Why did you give me blood?"

He chuckled and made a pot of tea and poured me a cup, "Try this." He challenged.

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