~ Chapter 9 ~

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~Cecilia's POV~

Pluto was waiting for us at the door to the tower his collar glowing as he ran at the door and broke the seal. We raced inside and up the spiraling stairs bursting into what looked like a large storeroom filled with a mess of supplies, and sitting in a chair across the room like a perfect porcelain doll was, Lizzie.

"LIZZIE!" Ciel ran to her.

"Looks like we're too late." Grelle muttered under his breath.

I lunged for him, but Sebastian caught me around the middle and held me back, as Lizzie's arm suddenly raised up on its own accord. She seemed to come to her senses a little and looked fearful as she was suddenly suspended in mid air.

"Lizzie!" I cried.

"Now, kill your friends." A man hidden in shadow standing on a support beam high off the ground said stoically.

"NO!" Lizzie cried as she was forced to attack Ciel with a battle axe.

Sebastian disappeared from my side and swept Ciel into his arms and out of harm's way. I raced forward and deflected each blow of the axe with my blades.

"NOOOO." Lizzie was crying as she swung again and again. She didn't want to hurt anyone and had no control over her body. My heart hurt for her, though we were cousins she'd always felt more like a little sister to me. I had to do something to help her.

"Grelle can't you see what's happening here?" Sebastian growled as he jumped out of the way with Ciel.

I blocked Lizzie's attacks with ease, until a wire wound its way around my wrist and another around my ankle holding me in place. 'Bloody Hell!' I managed to deflect her with my other arm until a wire wound its way around my other wrist. 'No!' She swung again, her eyes wide with terror and I felt the axe bury itself in my abdomen.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Lizzie shrieked as she withdrew her axe, my blood splashed to the floor at my feet in a wave. There was so much of it. I felt myself slipping to the floor, the wire cutting into my flesh as I could no longer support myself.

"CECILIA!" Ciel screamed.

"Grelle!" Sebastian barked looking worried as he noted the blood spilling from my front, what could Grell do? He had scissors for weapons, Scissors! She was being held up by puppeteer wire. Grelle jumped into action.

Lizzie fell to the ground and Ciel ran to her. "It's all over, Lizzie." He cooed as he held her in his arms playing the part of a perfect gentleman so well.

The wire was suddenly around all of them, save for Lizzie and I; the fool pulling the strings thought I was dead. I grabbed Lizzie's axe and hurled it at the man standing on the beam. The blade stuck in his chest and he fell from the beam crashing to the ground. The wires suspending everyone fell slack. Straw spilled from his wound in his chest and from his head where it had split from the fall. Now that he was in the dull light of the room, I could make out his features he looked like a human doll with ginger hair and violet eyes.

 Now that he was in the dull light of the room, I could make out his features he looked like a human doll with ginger hair and violet eyes

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