Ch 2

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Hey guys I was thinking is a month before Thomas comes okay. And the picture is what my character I know she doesn't know her name yet and yeah it's her what she looks like


" t-the Glade what's that " I asked in a scared tone. The sassy boy smirked. And walked closer I glare at him. I looked around it was beautiful really pretty it looked like a farm but then there was these walls that looked very very old. I notice it looked like a castle or something.

" it's our home little missy and now it's yours too " he sassed again I signed.

" okay how did I get here and what's behind those walls " I asked and watched as he moved close I groaned.

" well you little shank you will get a tour tomorrow and with get your answers then too " he said stepping closer I glared hard one more step and I throw this knife at him and I will not be the only girl.

" okay what about the shank and splithead shacking " I asked waiting for an answer.

" that's our swear words sweetheart and others for just slang " he said moving closer. I threw the knife in one movement and it landed right under his family Jews. He did a manly yell while looking at me in awe.

" I said not to move closer " I said in a strong tone. He looked at me with awe then shook his head. He glare at me.

" okay okay " he said with his hands up. I saw the blonde guy named newt he looked at me with surprise. He voice soon ran through my ears.

" listen tomorrow we will tell you I promise I will okay so can I please come over and talk to you " he yelled at me from where he is. I looked at him and smiled.

" o-okay but o-only you " I said to the damn hot boy. He smiled and walked over. He was towering over me. I smiled at him.

" okay I can answer some question but tomorrow the shanks and I will answer any questions for you okay " he said I nodded he looked at the group of Boys. He turned back around.

" bye the way I newt the second head leader " he said holding out his hand I toke it. I smiled. I felt a weird spark or something I like it but I let my hand in his while shacking it.

"I I am I " I said looking down at the ground. I don't know what my name is. He notice and put his hand on my shoulder I felt the same sparks.

" don't worry it will come back to you in the mean time come on let's see who wants to meat you first " he said I nodded and followed. We walked over to the group of boys. I notice Minho trying to get the knife out of have ground.

" okay well this is Abby our leader and he will give you a tour tomorrow okay " he said taking his hand of my shoulder I felt cold and non loved I don't know why but I rubber of the feeling. I turned to the dude.

" hi um sorry about before " I said looking at the ground he nodded.

" it's okay I would have done the same shank because your the only shacking girl here so don't worry " he said putting a hand on my shoulder. I smiled I looked at his face. I looked to Minho I think his name is walk over.

" whoa you one bad ass chick " he said walking over he held out his hand.

" Minho greenie your name " he sassed I smirked then my smirked dropped.

" I - I don't know what my name is sorry " I whispered he nodded and smiled.

" don't worry you get it back " he said I smiled and looked at him again.

" um so Abby the leader newts the second and your the sass queen " I said sassing him back he smiled.

" me and you little shank are gonna be great friends I can see it coming " he said walking off I nodded. I saw newt smiling. He walked over to me. I saw people walking off I saw newt he nodded for me to follow him.

The girls of the Glade ( maze runner newt story )Where stories live. Discover now