Ch 19

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" hey you okay " I asked sitting down next to her. She wasn't turning to me or even making eye contact I sighed and asked her something.

" hey I noticed you haven't been sleeping well, are you okay " I asked she turned her head. She had wide eyes.

" I don't know what your talking about newt " she said in a sad tone. I sighed and pushed.

" yeah, yes you do bloody hell I see it you stay awake because you can't get to sleep so why is that " I asked in a kind tone her face showed hurt and worry. She didn't answer I think I should go with a new epoch.

" why, what's not letting you get to sleep" I asked once again I didn't get an answer I sighed she turned her head.

" I still don't know what your talking about " she said her voice cracked a little bit. I pushed again.

" oh bloody hell, you can trust me come on tell me " I said I saw mixed emotions in her eyes.

" really can I " she stood up I had a face of hurt.
" well sorry newt but I don't know if I can " she was right in front of me.

" I can't bloody trust you I wanna to but I can't okay I just, not yet " she had tears in her eyes.

" I just I really really want to newt but I Can't yet " her voice cracked and I saw the tears running down her face she turned and run away.

I was to stunned to do anything it's has been 8 day after that whore thing happen i thought I was getting somewhere.

I felt a rush of mixed emotions run through my body.

Electric POV 😢

I run off into the forest to get away for newt. But the truth is I want him to stay I want him to run after me I want him to do all those things to get my trust back. But it looks like that shank doesn't want it and I don't mind. Well truthfully I really do mind and I want him to want it but I can't change a person. I let a tear fall. I didn't want to be alone but why did I have to be a bitch to everyone who cares, why do I always have to be weak why.

And I don't wanna to anymore.
I hate asking questions why can't I be the one answering them.
But sadly I can't change anything those bloody creators toke care of that. I hate them I hate the glade I pretty sure newt hates me now and the gladers because I was a bitch and snapped at them and wow I don't. A lot of one day. I groaned and found my way up to my tree and fell asleep thinking, yelling, screaming and crying.

Minho POV 🙈

I saw Electra run off after snapping at us. I sighed girls and there moodiest. Then Mr hot shot Newt run after her. I heard yelling and some banging of things. Our table when quiet and I moved to walk into the forest to go to the Map Room. I started to think.

1. What's going on with shankette I mean yeah she is an girl and moody but something else is happening.

2. A greenie is so-posed to be coming in a day or two.

3. Haven't seen alby once today.

I was making my way through the woods when I saw a figure sitting by a crying I think crying no no they look dead just sitting there.

I walked up to the figure to see a blonde head boy sitting there with mixed emotions.
And confused.
I walked up to him and kneed in front of the boy. I saw this face it was stunned and not working at the moment.

" newt " I said in a calling voice he didn't answer nor do anything.

" newt, newt. . . Newtie. . . NEWT " I called again. That's when I thought hit me.

" Electra she is hurt and gally is kissing her " I screamed in his ear. His face turned into a mix of sadness, angry like very very angry and worried.

" where " he yelled at me while standing up. I chuckled he really did like shankette.

" Minho where the bloody hell is that suck face I gon- " I cut the stupid shank off.

" no where I done know wear she is but she is fine okay I was just trying to get your -" that suck face cut me off.

" so she is fine " he sat back down looking sad. I sighed and looked at my watch yep I got 20 minutes.

" what's happened " I asked and sat down. He looked at me with wide eyes.

" trust she doesn't trust me she said she can't trust me yet and no one can help her mainly " newt said in a rushed tone.

" well get your ass up and go find her and walk because that's a way of trust " he looked at me.

" but wh- " I cut him off.

" dude stop being a pussy and go to the pissy shankette " I said sounding like a father figure. I smile once I saw the blonde head stupid shank stand up and was about to walk off.

" oh and down please don't get down and dirty with each other yet, papa still has to give you two the talk " I said in a mocking tone. His face became a smile then it faded aways.

" haha yeah like she wants to do that now " he said in a mocking tone. I smiled and pushed him.

" well just don't yet please " I said and walked

The girls of the Glade ( maze runner newt story )Where stories live. Discover now