chapter 20

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shane's pov.

the bell had rang seven minutes ago and ryland had yet to show up. i was beginning to worry about him but thought maybe he just had to go to the bathroom or something. i continued to try and pay attention to the teacher but i couldn't. two more minutes had passed by and no sign of him. where could he be?
i was about to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom to check there until i heard it. that ear piercing scream that belonged to my baby.

"HELPPPPP" he screamed. i opened my mouth in shock. frozen to my chair i looked at the other people in the room. they looked confused and the teacher had a look of fear. that's when my body finally cooperated with me. i stood as fast as i could running out the door.

"shane" the teacher called after me, i could hear her footsteps behind mine but i didn't stop. my ry was in trouble.

"ry" i called out panicking. there was no response. all of a sudden i heard a bang and a whine. "ryland" i screamed turning to the sound of the noise, it was coming from a janitors closet not far from the classroom. i yanked the door open not expecting to see the site that i did. my heart dropped to the floor, tears glossing my eyes. there laying before me was my sweet ryland covered in cuts and bruises, blood dripping from his nose and other parts of his body. he was barely conscious. my heart broke seeing this innocent boy in front of me. but then my heart raged as i saw the person who had caused him pain. Lisa's older brother Liam. the captain of the football team, someone 3 times the size of my ryland. i growled staring at him. i needed to help ryland but first i needed to take care of this asshole. nobody touches what's mine.

"what the actual fuck, liam" i seethed. my fists clenched into fist by my sides.

"hey, shane. i was just taking care of this problem of yours. now you can be with lisa again" he smiled at me clapping his hand on my back. i flinched under his touch, my hands clinching so hard they were turning white.

"what problem?? there's no problem here, i love ryland. not lisa, i tried to suppress my feelings for ryland by dating lisa because i was scared. but i'm not fucking scared anymore, not of what you say or anyone else. i love ryland with everything i am and if you don't except that or anyone else, fuck you. i don't care" i yelled. my body was shaking with anger. ryland glanced at me in shock i think but i couldn't tell through his bruised face.

"fuck you fag. i guess i'll just have to mess you up too" he said coming at me, he pulled his fist back to hit me but then the door opened revealing the teacher.

"what is going on in here?!?" she shrieked. At that moment i knew i was safe and i ran straight to ryland  pulling him into my arms. i rested my head on top of his whispering to him everything would be okay soon.

"ummm" liam stuttered trying to find words to explain why he had beaten up ryland.

"liam schwartz how dare you beat up this boy! and about to beat up another? what has gotten into you?? i'm sure the football coach will be very disappointed in you. now go to the office and wait on me there!" she pointed towards the office. liam lowered his head in defeat and headed to the office without a protest.

"what happened?" the teacher asked kneeling before rylands broken body.

"i dated liam's sisters for a while to hide my feelings for ryland and i broke up with her when she wouldn't let us be friends anymore. i then realized my feelings for ryland and started dating him. liam cornered ryland because he thinks i should still be with ryland. he think ryland turned me into a fag.." i told the teacher with anger in my voice. i squeezed ryland closet to me trying to find some sort of comfort in him to calm me down.

"i see.  i will take care of mr.schwartz. you get ryland out of here and to a doctor right now" she told me standing and helping me up with ryland. i cradled him in my arms bridle-style and followed the teacher out of the closet towards the main building. the teacher went on to the office to handle liam while i walked out the doors toward my car.
ryland was cuddled into my chest breathing at a normal rate now, his eyes closed. i examined the damages to him. he had a bloody nose that was split on the bridge that was still bleeding and i couldn't tell if it was broken at the moment. his right cheek was bruised and swelled, his other cheek split open with blood pooling out.  other bruises were scattered around his face and i'm sure his body held many too. my eyes filled with tears as i gently sat ryland into the passenger seat of my car. this was all my fault.
tears threatened to spill but i tried to hold them in.
i got into the drivers seat starting the car. ryland was leaning up against the window eyes still closed.

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