chapter 9

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shane's pov

it's monday morning and i'm on my way to pick lisa up before school. she made me promise to get her for school and take her home after school from now on. which i wasn't necessarily happy about but if it made her happy i guess i would do it.

"hey baby" she said getting into my car and kissing my cheek. i smiled at her and continued on driving to school.

"is something wrong?" she asked. here we go again. she had been asking me if something was wrong all weekend since i didn't hangout with her.

"lisa i told you i'm fine" i said looking at her for a split second and then focusing back on the road. she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together. i smiled and squeezed her hand before pulling into the school parking lot. i walked around the car to open lisa's door for her and everyone was staring at us. and i mean everyone. i could hear people whispering about us but i didn't really care i just grabbed lisa's hand and walked inside.

lisa and i had different classes so i walked her to her room before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"i'll see you at lunch" i told her before walking off towards my class.

"hey shane!" garrett said as i sat down in my chair. i loved garrett he was always so welcoming and sweet. he always had a smile on his face. we had become really good friends since the sleepover. i knew i could trust him with anything.

"hey, gare!" i said smiling widely at the boy. i waved at drew too before the teacher started talking about the days assignment. i drowned out the teacher and started thinking about ryland. how i held him in my arms and how he fit so perfectly to me. his soft hair. his blue eyes that i got lost in every time i looked into them. they were like the ocean, and they made me feel calm and safe. and the shape of his lips. they were pink and plump and i wanted to taste them. woah. why was i thinking about him like that. it was wrong to think he could love me, and besides i had lisa. i loved lisa.

the bell pulled me out of my thoughts and i didn't know what the homework assignment was. i would have to text garrett later to get it. i walked in a hurry to get to lisa's classroom so we could walk together to our next class.

"shane" i heard someone yell at me. i turned around at the voice. ryland.

"ryland?" i asked smiling at the short boy.

"are you going to sit by us at lunch?" he asked with a small pout on his face. i already told lisa i would sit by her but i couldn't say no to him.

"umm can i bring lisa?" i asked him

"sure" he said. "see ya then, bitchhh" he laughed and bounced off towards his class. i laughed and snorted at him before heading to my class. the bell was about to ring so i didn't have time to get lisa before hand.

"shane where were you!! i had to walk here by myself because you didn't come get me!" she huffed when i sat down in my desk.

"i'm sorry, babe. i was talking to um garrett about our homework" i know i lied but i couldn't tell her ryland kept me or she would get upset. she opened her mouth to say something but i cut her off.
"by the way we are sitting with him at lunch" i smiled fast and then the teacher walked in giving lisa no time to protest.

*lunch time*

my class before lunch i didn't have with any of my friends so i walked to the cafeteria alone. i smiled when i saw my queens sitting at the table in the back corner like usual. i scanned the room for lisa but i didn't see her. i shrugged thinking maybe she was in the bathroom and headed to my table.

"hey queens!" i screamed. they all laughed at me because i was making a drama queen face.

"shaneeeee" garrett squealed in a fit of giggles. i laughed and sat down by ryland patting him on the thigh. he met my eyes with a smile and grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze before pulling it away.

we were all talking about some party garrett and drew had gone to with morgan, ryland's sister, and andrew their other friend. it sounded pretty fucking crazy as garrett said he almost drowned in the pool he was so intoxicated and it took all three people to pull him out.


i looked up at that voice. lisa. oh no. i had been so into the convo i forgot that she was still gone.

"lisa" i said with a small smile patting the chair next to me. she was fuming, standing there with her arms crossed. i looked at the others for help and they gave me a look that said i was FUCKED.

"don't lisa me! you were supposed to sit by me at lunch and you've been over here the whole time" she was pissed.

"i told you we were sitting by my friends today, and i couldn't find you when the bell rang" i said with a stern voice. she wasn't going to yell at me infront of them because SHE disappeared. i squinted my eyes letting her know i meant it.

"whatever" she said walking off towards her girl friends that were a couple of tables over. i rolled my eyes at her and turned back to the group. they looked scared until drew said "ooofff awkward" and they all started laughing. i let a small smile crack but i was still mad. why was she so mad about everything i did. nothing i did was right.

*after school*

after school ended i said goodbye to my friends and head to my car. i was waiting on lisa to hurry up so i could go home and take a phat ass nap. she finally got in the car buckling without looking at me. i sighed and started the car pulling out of school. we were half way to lisa's house when she finally spoke.

"you have to spend more time with me not with those boys." she told me. how could she say that? they were my best friends.

"what do you mean? they're my best friends and i'm not going to ditch them!" i said angrily. my grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"well you don't pay attention to me and it makes me sad!" she yelled back. "you're supposed to love me not them" she was looking out the window but i could see a tear roll down her cheek.

"i'm sorry lisa" i said pulling up to the drive way of her house. i put the car in park and grabbed her hands. i wipes the tear that was falling down her check with my finger.

"i promise to spend more time with you but i want some time with my guy friends too" i told her looking her in the eyes.

"okay, but just promise you'll spend more time with me and sit by me at lunch too" she said pouting with a smile. i laughed and kissed her lips.

"i promise i will"

"shane?" she asked me

"yeah?" i questioned. my forehead was still pressed against her from our kiss.

"i think i love you" she smiled

"i love you too" i told her pressing my lips to hers again.

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