Chapter 1

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The names Logan Blackwood. I'm 18, I smoke, I drink and I got kicked out of my school. Why? Well..let's just say I didn't follow all the rules. My parents don't want anything to do with me anymore and I don't care. They moved me to New York City. Yeah I'm in New York right now, pretty far away from my parents considering they live in New Zealand. Let me tell you a bit about my self, like I said before I smoke I drink and I do any bad shit. I do dealing when I've got my weed. Other than that, I have long black hair and bright green eyes, I'm 5'7 and I don't really give a damn about anyone or what they think of me.

Great. Time for school. I got dressed in some black skinnys a black tank top with a black leather jacket . I tied on my leather black converse and tied my black hair in a high pony tail. What..I like the colour black. Add a few black brackets and done. Ok let's go to hell. First day of school and I'm already late, wait..why do I care? I walked to the principles office and she gave me a timetable and walked me to my first class "class we have a new student, her names Logan Blackwood" I gave them all a 'what up' look and some gave me dirty looks..give me all the dirty looks you want, I don't give a damn. "Hello Logan, I'm Mrs Smith, you can take your seat next to Tai..Tai raise you hand so she knows who you are" the guy called Tai raised his hand and wow..he looked hot..must be the schools bad boy because he sure as hell looked like one. I walked over to him and sat down..I didn't really look at him but I can see from the corner of my eye he was looking at me.

Alright guys, this is my first and I don't know if it's good...

Bad girl meets Bad boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora