Chapter 13

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Sorry I left yous with a cliffhanger hehehe and I'm really sorry if I take long to update..wifis a bit..horrible...ok so here's the next chapter! Hope yous enjoy x

Tai's POV
"Blackwoods daughter" I froze for a moment and try to process the fact that Jay just said that "mate keep her safe" Jay said "I'm on it don't worry" I kept the phone and decided to take Logan back to this house we all stay and by we all I mean the gang , it's the safest place I know.

"Logan, change of plans" she looked up confused and damn..she looks beautiful in that dress "what? Why?" I can't just tell Logan her dad was the gangs leader and that his worst enemies are after to kill her "I'm going to take you to a safe place" "what's wrong with my place?" Fuck..em you're dad was our gang leader and now that he's dead his enemie wants to kill the whole Blackwood family..wish it was that easy "look Logan I'll explain when I get there" she nodded but stopped "can I bring Atom?" I nodded and we headed to the car with Atom.

Logan's POV
we arrived at a huge mansion in the middle of...what..a forest I think and I see boys everywhere..maybe like..9 10? "Logan these boys are a bit..flirty" I laughed and just jumped out with atom cuddled up to me "come on" I followed Tai and all the boys looked at me "hello!! I'm Lucas!" he said..gave me a huge hug squishing little atom a bit "hello I'm Logan!" Wow what a happy kid "Logan this is you know from school..Lucas as you know already..Liam, Nicolas, Kristofferson Kristo for short, James, Charlie and Jayred" Wow that's a lot of guys! "Nice to meet you all"

Tai's POV
I'm going to have to break it to her in the room "Logan..I have to tell you something" "what's up!" She sat down next to me and gave me a big smile "the reason I bought you here was because..well the thing going to be kind I hard for oh to believe..em. Your dad was our gang leader" I stopped to see her reaction "what!?" "And now that he's dead..your dad's worst enemie..Jackson is after to kill all the Blackwoods..since you're the only Blackwood left now..he wants I get rid of you" I looked at her confused face and she let out a laugh "I knew it! You are just like everyone else!!!" What is she on about "what are you talking about?" "You are just pranking me! You think it would be funny to tell me all this bullshit! Well it's not funny Hunter!! It actually hurts that you did this!" "I'm not pranking you!!! This is all real! Logan believe me! I know what you went through and I don't want to put you through it again! I would never prank you!" I shouted. Fuck I scared her "save your breath Hunter. I'm out" she said and storms out of the room

Logan's POV
I ran with tears running down my can he just do this to me! It hurts a lot! I ran outside and into the forest..I sat on a rock I saw and sobbed to myself "hello beautiful" I looked up and can't be. Ryder.


Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun!!! Guys I'm sorry if I don't update fast after this wifi may be down!

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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