Chapter 9

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I can't believe I told him. I can't believe I told Tai I used to hurt myself. What will he think of me? Will we still be friends?! Omg all these things are going through my head! That doesn't matter I have to go to school!

Once again same old routine...but today it was a bit different, there was a new kid in my Art class today. I think his name was Ryder? Yeah Ryder. He's pretty cute though, but not as cute as Tai..Ryder has this face that you would instantly think is cute but Tai..Oh my gosh Tai has this urban coolness and hotness and oh my gosh I would just love to go out with hi- what the hell am I saying..jeez Logan snap out of it! Honestly!
"Hey! Logan right?" I looked up room my locker and saw Ryder "hey! Yup that's me, do you need help with anything?" I asked and closed my locker "yeah em..I'm not sure where my Maths class is" he said, there he goes again with that hair flip "oh I have maths next, just come with me!" I said and started walking. I saw Tai and waved at him but he was to busy staring at Ryder, he got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side "what are you doing here" he whispered angrily at Ryder...wait they know each other. "Non of your business Hunter. Now move along so I can sit next to this pretty thing" he just called me a I a thing to you!

During math I was not paying attention to anything that was going on. I was to busy thinking about Tai and Ryder, what's going in between them? I should ask Tai after math. When the bell rang I quickly walked to Tai "what's going on" he ignored me and kept walking "Tai!" He still didn't listen! He went out the school doors and was on his way to the park..fuck I can't miss school, I'm on a warning. Fuck this shit. I ran out the door and to the park, wow I've never ran this fast..I know where he is..the bridge. I ran to the bridge and..yup I was right.
"Tai?" He looked up and still looked angry ? Okay what the hell is going on "what the hell is going on" "why do you care?!" "What's wrong with you Tai! I'm trying to find out what's going on!" I said raising my voice a bit "just fuck off bitch!" Ouch that hurt..wait..I'm feeling again..I don't want feelings..I don't like feelings..they always ruin me..I rather be a cold heartless bitch than a sweet innocent kind girl. "Fine. I'll leave you alone. Just don't come to me ever you understand?" He looked down and clenched his jaw "I thought you changed" was the last thing I said before leaving him.

It's been two months since I've seen Tai, It's been 2 months since I've even talked to him. he just disappeared. I miss him and my feelings for him have increased..yes I admit it..I love Tai. I love Tai Hunter. I haven't seen him in 2 months! Where could he be..I left..I don't know I lost count on how many times I called just went to voice mail. Im not mad at him anymore, I knew he needed his space and I didn't give it. A lot can happen in 2 months. I just hope he's still alive.

Bad girl meets Bad boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora