She's Back

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Elise stood at the glass watching as the doctors operated on Fury. Her face was void of emotions and her eyes glared at his body. She felt her body steaming up with anger. Her whole body was getting hot. Steve walked out of the restroom over to her. "You okay, Elise?"

He watched the side of her face for any type of reaction. The only tightened her lips. "Did you get a look at the shooter's face?" She asked, ignoring his question.

He shook his head. "All I saw was a metal arm and a mask covering the bottom half of his face."

"I'll find out." She sniffled angrily.

Natasha walked into the hospital and over to the pair. "Is he gonna make it?"

"He better." Elise said without taking her eyes off of the glass.

"I don't know."

"Tell me about the shooter."

"He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm." He told her as Elise's ears perked up, listening to every word.

Just then Agent Maria Hill also joined them. "Ballistics?" Natasha questioned.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Agent Hill said.



Suddenly they watched in shock as Fury's state started deteriorated. "He's in V-tach." A male nurse called out.

Elise could feel the oxygen in her body leave her. "Crash cart coming in." A female nurse said.

"Nurse, help me with the drape." The doctor said.

Tears formed in Elise's eyes as she swallowed a lump forming in her throat. "BP is dropping." The male nurse said.

"Defibrillator!" The doctor shouted. Steve, Elise, Natasha and Hill watched in shock as Fury started flatlining. "I want you to charge him at one hundred."

"Don't do this to me, Nick." Natasha mumbled to herself.

"Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Fury was given a shock with the defibrillator. "Pulse?"

"No pulse." The male nurse responded.

"No pulse." Another doctor repeated.

"Okay. 200, please. Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" They have him another shock. "Give me epinephrine! Pulse?"

Male nurse called out, "Negative."

Natasha muttered again, "Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me."

The four watched the doctors as they continued to revive Fury but Fury was still showing as flatlining, Steve turned away as they finally call his time of death. "What's the time?"

Female Nurse answered, "1:03, Doctor."

"Time of death, 1:03 a.m." Steve looked down at the flash drive Fury had given him.


Natasha, Elise and Steve were in a room where Fury's dead body had been laid out, Natasha was looking at Fury's body with tears running down her face. Elise could feel the hot tears falling freely down her face, as well. She wasn't sobbing or making any noise. The tears just fell as she stared blankly at the--- last parent she had left--- dead body.

"Are you okay, Elise?" Steve asked her in a soft tone. She gritted her teeth together as she felt so much emotion come to her. Although, her face didn't show it, her eyes did. She remained quiet though. She wasn't sure if she could find the right words to describe how she felt. "I'm sorry."

At first, it was hope. Hope that he could make it out surgery. Second, was shock. Shock to see Fury still flatlining after the defibrillator. Thirdly, it was denial. No, he wasn't dead. She couldn't live without any parent. He wasn't dead. He can't die. He had been put in so many life-threatening scenarios and still lived through them to tell his story. He can't just die like that. Fourth... Fourth was anger. Hatred. Vengeful. Avenging. Resentful. Azria's white eyes with red glow flashed quickly before returning to the original hazel green.

She swallowed another forming lump in her throat. "I'm gonna kill 'em." She finally voiced, gaining Steve and Natasha's attention.

"Elise, we can find whoever did this and bring them to justice." Steve tried to reason.

She turned to him with a glare. Her eyes changed to Azria's. "I am justice." She said before walking out just as Hill walked in.

She was going to find whoever killed her father and she was going to make them pay. Her and her father didn't have to best relationship; but that was still her father. She clenched her hands into a fist. She said she needed a good enough reason to get back into the field. This was her reason. This was good enough for her.

She was back.

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