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Smile :)

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There's just something about you I'm afraid to lose, because I know I won't find it in anyone else

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On the bus to work, a sense of guilt hit Sage for disobeying his mother's command, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to see Xander. They needed to talk about what happened and maybe even get some alone time?

Sage fought back the silly smile.

Just what am I thinking?

Moreover, Sage didn't know if he'd be able to look Xander in the eye again after what they'd done. He was still so embarrassed, not to mention his already existing awkward self around Xander overall.

After a while, Sage couldn't fight back the smile any longer. His entire face transformed into absolute mirth, stomach fluttering with hope, longing, and excitement. Did other people really behave that silly and giddy, or was it just him? Unable to help it, he allowed the momentary happiness to whelm him.

But after ten minutes of waiting, the happiness diminished, into worry.

I wonder where he is...

Isn't he coming?

Maybe he changed his mind, or I'm at the wrong place?

Disregarding the thoughts that would be sure to have him overthinking, Sage flopped down on the bench and toyed with his bangs and fingers to pass the time. He glanced down at his attire and suddenly felt self-conscious for wearing his uniform and not something more appealing, but he couldn't do anything about it at that point.

Eventually, waiting a bit longer had him getting lost in thoughts, so deeply that he didn't catch the sound of approaching footsteps. Someone leaned down next to him.


Sage shrieked, and that's how he ended up bolting off the bench, almost toppling over and falling over the fence.

"Xander!" he loudly exclaimed, staring up at the senior boy in absolute disbelief. "Why d-did you do that?"

Xander blinked at him in a feigned act of innocence. "Do what?"

"You're s-such a meanie!" Sage chastised as he lunged at Xander. He grabbed a fistful of the senior's shirt and buried his face there, just so Xander couldn't see just how embarrassed he was. The first thing he noticed whilst doing so was just how nice Xander smelled, unlike his regular smell of Xander and cigarettes.

Something about it made him want to cling to Xander all day, completely contradictory to the fact that he didn't feel like he could look at Xander without melting into a puddle by his feet. "A-and you're late too!" the blond continued to gripe. He wanted to go on to say he missed Xander so badly, but he bit his lip to prevent himself from leaking such sensitive information.

After a short while, Sage stepped away for the sake of his frantically palpitating heart.

"My bad, this wasn't the meeting spot, yeah? Come." the senior cocked his head in the direction of the entrance before shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and walking off. Sage towed after him, biting his lip until they reached Xander's sleek black Impala.

Where are we going?

At that point, he should have been concerned about just the amount of trouble both of them were already in and would be in if Cecilia or Anna found out, but nothing at that moment mattered anymore. Just by seeing Xander, all of Sage's worries and turmoil about the horrid week had floated away, leaving him to feel only light-headed, like the lovesick puppy he was.

Conflicted Eyes, Confusing Feelings | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now