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      Hyunjin had just finished uploading his latest post. He immediately watched as likes and comments filled the post, making a smile appear on his face. He loved all of his followers and would try and respond to some of their comments. The only thing he was scared about was their reactions to who he actually was. As he scrolled through the comments he noticed someone he's never really seen before.

You look stunning, Princess

     The name made him blush as he read over the comment. He's been called pretty multiple times through the comments, but no one has ever called him a pet name. He clicked on the account and decided to check out who he was...and holy shit was he glad he did.

      'Oh my god...he is fucking hot...'Hyunjin thought in his head as he scrolled through the numerous photos. He was so caught up in his own little world that he didn't realize his sister in the door way.

      "Jinnie~"She said startling Hyunjin,"Your friends are here..."

      Hyunjin's eyes widened as she motioned for him to change,"Oh! Thanks Yeji!"

      "No problem, anyway I'm going to work."She said as Hyunjin quickly ran to his closet to change.

      "Okay bye, love you!"He said in a state of panic.

       Yeji giggled at his cuteness,"Love you too..."

       She soon left after they exchanged goodbyes leaving Hyunjin quickly putting on some jeans and a t-shirt. He checked if he looked presentable and then proceeded to close his bedroom door.

        Once he made it down stairs he saw all of his friends, and someone new, in the living room.

        "Finally! What took you so long?"Felix asked as he looked up from his phone.

        Hyunjin scratches the back of his neck,"Sorry I had to get dressed real quick. I didn't know you guys were coming over."

        "But we texted you in the group chat..."Chan said. The taller than remembered that he did get a text ,but he ignored it because he was looking at the comments.

       "Oh, then I must've not seen it."He lied as he sat down at the end of the couch.

       Chan then stood up,"Oh yeah we have someone for you to meet!"

       A few seconds later the new boy stood next to Chan and smiled,"Hi, I'm Jeongin. Nice to meet you!"

       Hyunjin was in a state of shock. It's the guy who called him princess on his post. With this sudden realization, a blush made its way on his cheeks as he stood up and shook the taller's hand(Author:In this story Jeongin will be taller).

      "I-I'm Hyunjin"He quickly introduced,"Um...anyway what do you guys wanna do?"

      "We were thinking of just staying at your place and watching a movie or playing games."Jisung replied. Hyunjin nodded as he grabbed the remote and tossed it to Woojin.

     "Okay why don't Woojin, Changbin, Chan, and Jisung pick the movie. Felix, Minho, Seungmin, and I can get the snacks and stuff ready. Oh! And Jeongin do you mind grabbing the games? They're upstairs in the hallway closet."Hyunjin instructed. Everyone just agreed as they all went to do their jobs. Jeongin quickly walked up the stairs and stood at The the top of them, staring down the hallway. All the doors looked the same, so he couldn't tell which one was the closet.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡|𝘩.𝘩𝘫 & 𝘺.𝘫𝘨Where stories live. Discover now