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     The next day Hyunjin was awoken by a notification from his phone. He sleepily rubbed his eyes and reached for his phone. His eyes blinked a few times as he lazily read over the text.

Stray Kids

Lixie:Guys let's meet at the café at 10 to hang out

Channie:Didn't we just hang out last night?

Lixie:Shut up and just be there

     Hyunjin just shrugged before he checked the time—it was 9:40. The dark haired male's eyes widened as he immediately ripped the covers off of him.

     'Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!'Hyunjin thought as he grabbed a pair of jeans and a hoodie. He grabbed a few other things and sprinted to the bathroom, passing a sleepy Yeji on the way, and closed the door. With the speed of lightening he was done and dressed in five minutes—somehow. He ran out the bathroom and ran back into his pastel and light filled room. Hyunjin swiftly grabbed his phone and earbuds and shoved it in his pocket. He read the time and saw it was nearing 9:50 and that made him calm down a bit. The skinny boy made his way downstairs and saw Yeji eating cereal at the table.

     "Where are you going?"She asked whiles shoving a spoonful of lucky charms in her mouth.

      "The guys are meeting up at the café and we're going to hang out for a bit,"Hyunjin said quickly and ran over to her,"I'll be gone for a few hours ,but just call me if something happens."


       "Bye love you!"

       He quickly exited their apartment and made his way to the elevator. He glanced down at the time and saw it was 9:50 and he basically had ten minutes to get their on time. Hyunjin took a second to breath and relaxed as he pressed a button on the elevator. He walked inside and scrolled through randomly on his phone. The shiny doors started closing and were about to shut until a voice was heard down the hall.

"Hold the door!"Someone sounding familiar shouted out. Hyunjin quickly reached out and pressed the button to make the doors stay open. Soon the footsteps came closer until the person stood in front of the elevator.

"Hey thanks! Sorry for th—Hyunjin?"

The raven haired boy looked up from his phone at the mention of his name and his eyes immediately widened,"J-J-Jeongin?"

"Hey, um I forgot to tell you that I actually moved into the apartment complex. So I guess, hi neighbor?"The younger laughed as he entered the cramped space. Hyunjin was still processing what he just heard as he slowly took his hand off of the button.

"O-oh um...that's wonderful. Are you heading to the c-cafe too?"The older asked looking up at him. The taller nodded a smile peeking up on his face.

"Mmhmm! You want to walk with me? Ya' know, get to know each other better and all."He suggested making the older think.

'I mean he is my new neighbor and friend...so I think I should. Just have to be more careful now...'Hyunjin thought before snapping his attention back to the beautiful man in front of him,"Y-yeah sure."

They started small talk as they descended down the elevator and continued it as they were walking. By now they were laughing and smiling at each other's jokes, stories, or just plain old topics they talked about. They were nearing the Café, but still had a good way to go.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡|𝘩.𝘩𝘫 & 𝘺.𝘫𝘨Where stories live. Discover now