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Hyunjin and Jeongin hopped out of Woojin's car and waved their goodbyes as they watched the giant truck drive off. Both of them were laughing and talking as they entered the building. A few people in the lobby looked at them oddly ,but just brushed it off and continued with their business. The duo entered the elevator and both reached for the button at the same time.

"O-oh sorry..."Hyunjin said as he retracted his hand and a light blushed appeared.

Jeongin shook his head,"No, your fine. By the way I was wondering, is anyone going to be home with you?"

Hyunjin tilted his head with confusion,"Um...no Yeji's working, why do you ask?"

"I saw some sketchy people roaming around the complex and I just didn't want you to be alone. Plus I heard on the news that a lot have people have been going missing from kidnappers,"Jeongin explained,"I was just thinking about staying with you until Yeji comes back."

Hyunjin nodded,"Yeah sure...are you worried something bad will happen?"

    Jeongin reddened slightly and rubbed the back of his neck, a habit from being embarrassed or nervous, and shared his explanation,"W-well I just didn't want anything bad happen to you and for some reason I have this bad feeling."

     Hyunjin giggled,"Aw that's adorable! Anyway let's head in."

     The two of them walked out of the elevator and made their way towards Hyunjin's apartment. Jeongin was on high alert at this point and honestly looked like a protective puppy over its toy. The shorter took his key out and opened the door. Before walking inside, Jeongin felt a presence near them and looked behind him. There was no one there ,but the younger still scammed the surrounding areas of the complex before going inside.

    "Something wrong?"Hyunjin asked as the latter walked in.

    "No, just thought someone was there,"Jeongin responded,"Anyway do you want to watch a movie or something?"

    The smaller quickly nodded his head and a bright smile bloomed on his face, causing the boys eyes to resemble crescents. He skipped over to the kitchen to grab some snacks and called out,"The remotes on the coffee table! You can pick the movie."

    The younger giggled at his cuteness before walking over to the couch. Jeongin plopped down on the soft squishy couch and reached over to the glass coffee table. He grabbed the remote and started to scroll through Netflix...but as he was the dark haired male couldn't shake the bad feeling he was having. Once he picked out the movie he pretended to go on his phone, but his true actions were to keep and eye on Hyunjin. He watched the older put together a few snacks and pull the popcorn out of the microwave...the younger refused to take his eyes off of him.

'There is something off...I can feel it,'He thought before standing up and scurrying towards Hyunjin,"Hey do you need some help carrying the stuff over?"

The older turned around to look at Jeongin a nodded,"Yeah could you? I would appreciate it."

"Of course!"Jeongin smiled and grabbed the tray of various sweets and candies, while Hyunjin took hold of the bowl of popcorn and chips. They both slowly walked over and placed the food on the table gently before getting settled on the couch. The two shifted around a bit to find comfortable positions and ended with them sitting next to each other with both of them being wrapped up in their own blankets. Soon the movie came to life and numerous scenes were played on the screen before them.

They both laughed at the funny parts with wide smiles and fits of giggles and Jeongin watched the older get emotional at the heart breaking part of the movie and soon be overcome with joy when the happy ending came. The movie itself made Hyunjin go on a emotional roller coaster and he was still crying.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡|𝘩.𝘩𝘫 & 𝘺.𝘫𝘨Where stories live. Discover now