Part 6 - Remembering

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When River glided through the doors, I flew straight into her open arms.

Picking up my neglected coffee cup, she sniffed it and set it back down. River buzzed around the room sorting discarded clothes and setting the room to self-clean.

Then she wrapped me up in a winter coat with it's heating turned up full and dragged me to the Beyoncé Mansion and up to our friend Izi's room.

Izi was the friend that we all went to if we had any problems or worries. She was kind, comforting, funny and had this thing about her that made you want open your heart and spill it's contents to her.

As soon as the door slid open I was in her arms, repeating what I did with River. She stroked my hair and calmed me down as she always did.

Sensing something was wrong, she sat me down and told the hole in the wall to get us warm chocolate mini muffins, knowing they were my favourite.

  River's POV

After a few minutes of Izi and I each taking turn to comfort Fox, we realised that we weren't able to coax the truth out of her just yet.

Even when I thought back to last night, things were super blurry but I still had a rough idea what happened.

But I knew one thing, Fox was deliberately trying to forget last night.

Her mind was blocking out the bad events and memories and replacing them with fuzzy confusion and fear.

All of a sudden, an amazing idea struck me.

I silently pinged Izi to tell her my plan and she sent back a smiley cartoon face in reply.

Making my excuses, I slipped out of Izi's room and stepped into the downward moving elevator.

I sent pings to Myll, Bel, Russell, Blu and Kallm.

I told them to meet me in the tropical greenhouse at the bottom of the hill and made my own way down there.

  Fox's POV

Izi cheered me up a little bit by telling me different stories about when she was an ugly and what ger and Russell used to get up to.

After half an hour, I began to smirk a little.

I think those chocolate muffins really helped.

Just as I was away to excuse myself and leave, River suddenly burst into the door with Myll, Blu and Kallm.

A small smile began to spread over my face as I gazed into the faces of some of my best friends.

River explained that Bel and Russell were due to arrive in an hour because they had been away on a hoverboard ride.

It was then that Izi suggested we should have a movie night, watching films on her wallscreen with unhealthy but really yummy food, like we used to do when we were uglies.

That idea made me smile even more.

So we arranged ourselves over Izi's super king size bed and voted to watch old vintage movies first.

Myll pinged Bel and Russell, who were on their way home by then, and told them to collect as much pizza, cake and sweet drinks as they were allowed to requisition.

When they arrived, we had to re-shuffle to make room for them.

It ended up with Izi and Russell lying on the right, Bel, River and I leaning on the pillows in the middle, Kallm on my left and Myll and Blu sitting at the foot of the bed.

By the end of the first film, Izi had fallen asleep on Russell and he had his arms wrapped around her. In a way I was jealous of the close bond they had, made stronger by their pretty beauty from their littlie and ugly friendship.

Myll, who was an utter fidget and couldn't stay still for more than a few minutes, had wriggled through the first part of the film but then, like the others, had settled down between River and Bel, who were also asleep.

It must have been a tough night last night and from the few fuzzy bits that I could remember, it seemed pretty hectic.

Blu had slipped off the foot of the bed and lay slumped in an unconscious pile on the floor.

The only people still awake were Kallm and I. His strong arm was wrapped securely around my waist and my head was tucked on his shoulder.

A thought flew into my head.

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