Part 9 - Tears

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As soon as I had taken in the sight of Dare in the hospital, I just couldn't take it anymore.

I noticed my hands were shaking and there were forgotten tears rolling over my cheeks and down my neck.

Gasping for air, I decided I had to get out of there. Turning around, I burst through the doors and ran down the corridor.

Blue and white painted walls blurred past my tear-soaked eyes, the noises of medical machinery became mixed up in my ears as I sprint towards the outside doors.

It seemed like years untill the cold winter night air stung my lungs as I took gasping breaths to calm the burning in my chest.

As the world swirled around me, I couldn't decide what to do.

Go back inside into the dreaded hospital?

Make a run for it and return tomorrow?

I decided to leave and called a hovercar to pick me up


I had barely been home five minutes when the ping notification noise of my wall screen sounded. I looked over and unlocked it when I saw who the ping was from.

The message read:

  Hey Fox! I know you haven't been feeling great about the whole Dare thing. Well yeah, so we decided that we'd try to cheer you up!! Come over to mine as Olli and Blake are already here. See you soon? Xx

I smiled as I read it. Ana was one of my clisest friends and Olli and Blake were definitely my best guy friends aside from Dare.

I messaged them back saying that I would come and set about getting ready.

Tugging a brush through my hair for the first time in about three days, I saw that my bubbly temporary surge of colours in my hair had finally run out.

I smiled as I saw my original hair colour.
Just like ugly days, I thought.

I pulled on a pair of synthetic thermal leggings to combat the cold air and slipped into a pretty grey-blue shirt. Over the top I pulled on my black winter coat (ideal for sneaking around) and headed off on the short walk to Ana's.
Hey just wanted to apologise for the awful drawing in the picture thingy at the start of this story part. I like to draw whilst watching tv sometimes so it didn't turn out that great. Thanks for reading!!

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