Part 7 - Hospitals

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'I remember'


Just like everyone else, I eventually fell asleep.

We all woke up to find sunlight streaming through the non-opaqued windows. Gently de-tangling ourselves from the mess or limbs that had overgrown Izi's bed, we ordered coffee and calorie purgers.

After downing a few mugs of the steaming caffeine-filled liquid and throwing a few of the calorie-eating pills down my throat, we all went our separate ways.

Sending a message for a hovertaxi to take me to the city hospital, I went into a clearing to wait.

A faint breeze stirred me from my thoughts as a shockingly pink hovertaxi landed gently next to me.

I slid into the front passenger seat and clipped up my safety belt. Then I turned to the driver.

The soft reassurance on the stunning middle-pretty face smiling across to me instantly improved my mood.

As we zoomed across the suburbs beneath us, the driver, who's name was Tori, nattered away aimlessly. Whenever she asked me any questions, I answered with a polite yet noncommittal noise.

When we landed outside the city hospital, I apologised and explained that my mind was currently on other things. Tori wished me luck and I stepped from the vehicle.

Taking a deep breath, I strode out towards the main hospital doors.

I put on my bravest, prettiest happy face and glided airily over to the reception.

Giving my name, I asked for Dare's ward and she gave me directions.

It felt like I was some ancient rusty setting out on an adventure into the unknown world.

Except I wasn't.

I was just a girl wandering around a hospital searching for her boyfriend.

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