Chapter Four ✔️

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C h a p t e r F o u r
B r o w n B r e a d F o r T h e L a d y

They made it into the docks of Camden Town by dawn the following day, when the local fisherman and factory workers were preparing to begin their shifts. Lynette and Tommy made their way through the industrial area, both heading in the direction of the local bread factory that belonged to Alfie Solomons.

Lynette was glad to see that Tommy's health had improved significantly as a result of the rest he had during the four day journey from Birmingham to London. She pulled her trench coat tighter around herself as she scanned his body language while they walked. She could tell that he was not as shaken anymore about being jumped by Sabini's men, they were in the territory of the Jews meaning that there was very little chance of that happening. He had shifted back into business mode rather than survival mode. Though she believed that he would need a combination of both to negotiate with Alfie Solomons; a man with a reputation as well known as Tommy's.

They were led into the factory by a cautious worker who took them straight to a tall man who roamed the area with a clipboard. He interrogated them for a few minutes, and introduced himself as Alfie's assistant. Lynette argued with him when he tried to claim that there was no meeting arranged.

"Mr Solomons invited Mr Shelby exactly five days ago," she informed the taller man. "You should speak to your boss if you don't believe us."

The Jewish man - who neither had learned the name of yet - examined them with a scowl. "I don't trust either of you in here with weapons."

While Tommy took off his cap to tuck it into his pocket, Lynette opened her coat to reveal that she had nothing concealed underneath, only wearing a simple black dress. Unbeknown to this man or any of the others in the room, she did have a weapon. One that was hidden in the form of a hair clip. She was lucky enough to have snatched it from the ground the night she and Tommy were attacked, before Campbell or the other officers could see it.

Tommy raised a brow to the man, his cigarette still hung from his lip as he spoke. "You happy, now?

A voice called out to them before the small disputes could continue. "Put 'em down, Ollie. Put 'em down, mate."

The redhead looked away from 'Ollie' to see the man that was approaching them. He was an attractive looking man of a similar height to Tommy with a thick beard of brown hair. He had a built figure, strong but not bulging. Gold jewellery hung from his neck and decorating his digits. Lynette noted the way he walked with a subtle confidence among the workers, yet continued to wear an apron and a stained white shirt for the charade. Both Lynette and Tommy were able to tell who this man was without the introductions.

"He's only little and she's dainty," Alfie Solomons continued as he joined them. "Just you two?"

Tommy took the cigarette from his lips, glancing at his partner quickly before returning his focus back to the leader of the Jewish gangs. "Seems so," he responded.

"You're a brave pair, ain't you? You want to take a look at my bakery?"

He indicated for the couple to follow him, which they obeyed. Lynette did not fail to notice that Ollie stayed only a few feet behind them, watching them intensely as they followed his boss. He was the back up she realised, he was looking out for any indications that their visit lacked peaceful intentions.

"We bake all sorts here mate, yeah. Did you know we bake over ten thousand loaves a week?" Alfie continued. "Can you believe it? We bake the white bread, we bake the brown bread. We bake all sorts. Would you like to try some? Bread, yeah?"

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