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A/N: Happy Independence Day if you celebrate it!!!
==Adrien's POV==
"I'll always be here for you Princess."

I had no idea how much that single line would affect her but when she wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed into it, whispering thank you so much I thought it would be burnt into my neck where she whispered it, I knew that no matter what happened to her she didn't care. She had me and that was good enough for her.

"It's okay Princess." I said and sunk into the ground, sitting with my legs crisscrossed while she wrapped her legs around my waist. I don't mind holding her, it's actually really nice. She's really soft, her hair is too. "Marinette, it's okay," I tell her. She knows I'm not talking about her sickness, that wouldn't make her feel any better, I'm talking about how it's okay to confide in someone and it's okay for her to talk to me.

"You all better now Princess?" I ask with a warm grin, we had been sitting here for little over a half hour and she had only just stopped crying. "Yeah, yeah I am. Thanks again Chat. And I'm sorry for interrupting your night." She says tiredly. "It's okay Princess, but I do think that you," I poke her nose, "need some sleep." I sling her over my shoulder, causing her to laugh and cough a little bit, and walk back into her bedroom.

Laying her down, saying goodnight of course, I turn to leave but she quickly grabs my hand. I turn to look back at her, face flushed red, only to hear the click of a phone. "I'll make sure to start hanging them up Chat." She whispers quietly and shows the picture. Her hand is wrapped around my wrist and my face is turned just enough to see the blush profusely coloring my cheeks.

"Princess! That isn't fair!" I exclaim with a smile, dropping down and pulling her over top of me as I lay down, I wrap one arm over top of her arms, her hands wrapping around it, bringing up my staff and pressing a button. Suddenly the little phone bit pops up, I press a button that has a little camera and take a picture of us. I'm nuzzling Marinette's cheek while she smiles and laughs.

"And I'll make sure to print double of this picture Princess." I tell her, still nuzzling her cheek. "I'm counting on it Chaton." She says with a giggle. I kiss her temple, "I'm always here for you Princess, go ahead and sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." I tell her and silence her questions about my parents and about school.

"Sleep Princess. Those are tom-meowrrow purroblems." I whisper in her ear, receiving a giggle and a good night before comfortable silence blankets the room. It isn't long before her breathing becomes deep and calm, sleep taking over her restless body. I don't sleep however, I stay awake.

What if something happens while she's sleeping? She said that she has even less time to live than she thought so is it possible she could die any time she closes her eyes? I don't want Princess to die. I want her to live, and to be beside me. I want to be able to hold her in my arms again. I want her to fall asleep to the sound of my heartbeat as I do the same but to her's.

Sighing as my transformation releases Plagg looks at me sympathetically, almost as if he'd seen something similar happen before, before zipping off somewhere else in the room. Marinette turns in her sleep, now laying with her face on the skin of my neck and her chest against my own. Holding her tightly against me I roll over onto my side and drape the blanket over the both of us.

I sigh as I feel her arms slip around me in her sleep. Kissing her forehead, I follow suit. I never want to leave from her arms again.

~~(Time Skip To The Morning)~~

A knocking could be heard from below Marinette's trapdoor, leaving me to wake up groggily. "Girl, you awake? Marinette?" Alya's voice suddenly becomes unmuffled as she walkes into the room from under the trapdoor. Suddenly Marinette's pillow hits my face as she hides my body with her's and the things on her bed.

The Knight And His Princess's Battle(finished)Where stories live. Discover now