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==Marinette's POV==

"Bye Chloe, come back again anytime." I said and waved Chloe goodbye. She gave me a soft smile and nodded, blinking tears out of her eyes as she told me she would visit again soon. Holding the door open for a customer, I soon close it again and walk behind the counter. The peppermint hot chocolate had helped soothe my throat and ease my headache, I owe Tikki so many cookies. "Hello there Marinette, the bakery is still open, isn't it?" Mylène's dad asks, walking in with his arm wrapped around his daughter's shoulders.

"Always is Mr. Haprèle, my parents must be in the back right now so I can take your order." I say, pulling in an apron as I wash my hands and dry them off. "Are you sure Marinette? I saw you at the park today and you didn't look so swell." He says, a concern look crossing over his face. "I am quite sure, I promise you won't catch a cold or anything, it isn't contagious. Now, what would you like?" I swear and pull out a pen and pad of paper.

He still looks apprehensive, but just as he's about to say something someone else walks in, causing a little bell to jingle above the door. "I'd order quick sir, Marinette isn't one to take 'No' for an answer." A familiar voice says, sending a chill down my back. He holds his baton across his shoulders like the women in foreign countries carry water on sticks. His leather tail belt swishes back and forth as he holds most of his weight on his right foot and gives a Cheshire grin.

"Woah! Chat Noir! What're you doing here?" Mylène exclaims quietly. "I came over for a bite to eat." He says and walks up next to them at the counter. "Then it looks like you'll have to wait a bit longer Chaton, they were here first so as such they will be served first." I say with a smirk. Mylène and her dad stare at us with mouths open wide before closing them. "Well then I guess they'll have to order quick, how may we help you, Mr. Haprèle?" Maman interrupts, walking in with Papa who carries a tray of freshly baked macarons with little theater masks and ribbons designed on them. 

"Ah, exactly those. Thank you for making them on such short notice Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." He says, smiling and stepping out of the way for Chat to make his order as Maman and Papa box and ring up Mr. Haprèle's order. "So, now that it is your turn to order, what would you like?" I ask, flipping the page on the pad of paper I'd been accidentally doodling on during the conversation. "Hm, I don't know. What do you think I should get?" He asks, moving his staff and leaning on it. "I think you should get a mind of your own." I say with a smirk as he feigns begins hurt.

"Oh meow mew wound me Mewinette! After paw those times I purrrotected mew from akumas!" He exclaims, "Only to kill me with those rediculous puns of yours," I say and roll my eyes. "Now I'm thinking the usual. Camembert tarts with the signature sauce as well as chocolate filled croissants and, hm, I'm thinking one of our complementary macaroons(I'm talking about the cute French ones none of those weird American "macaroon" coconut things)?" I write down and he smiles. "It's a good thing you don't work for Hawkmoth, Princess." He muses and nods, clicking a paw print on the end of his staff and I watch as a twenty dollar bill pops out where the staff's phone would have.

"I assume this will suffice as usual?" He asks, leaning the staff over towards me and I pull it out without even blinking, add it to the dollars in the cash register, and begin gathering his order. "What macaroon should it be today?" He asks, crouching down and looking at the multiple varieties. "What about cherry?" I ask, my back turned to him as I package his items. "Nah, I've had that one too many times. What do you recommend?" He asks, standing up and leaning on the counter as I turn my head to look at him.

I get a small finger full of the blueberry macaroon icing filling and hide it as I walk over to him with his order before plopping it on his nose and saying, "Try the blueberry. Made them just last night." Grinning from ear to ear he gets some of it and tastes it as I lick my finger and wipe it off on my apron, adorning a pair of oven mitts as I take out a fresh sheet of cookies. I hear Tikki sigh in contentment at the smell. "I'll take the blueberry one then." He says and as I place the cookies on a cooling tray  to display them in the windowsill I say, "Then you'll have to come back later. That was your free sample."

I giggle as he looks at me in amusement and surprise. "Oh I see how it is, alrighty then Princess, I'll be back for the taste though. See you later Marinette." He says and winks as he leaves with his order. I hope Plagg and him enjoy the treats. "Marinette!" Mylène exclaims, her jaw dropped along with her father's while my parents giggle and make a look at each other.

"What?" I ask, putting me hands to my hips and raising an eyebrow. "Oh nothing sweetheart, go on up to your room and tell us what the doctor said when you have some free time. Mr. and Ms. Haprèle, I suppose you two can keep this a secret? Apparently my daughter has hidden it well enough for me not to know so far. It'd be a shame to let her secret out so soon." My mother says while handing them their food.

"We would never dream of it, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. Have a good one." Mylène says, and they take their leave as I climb the stairs to my bedroom, opening and closing my trapdoor with a sigh of relief, before opening my eyes to see Chat Noir sitting on the floor waiting for me wearing a mask I've made. "Hello there Princess." "Thanks for the food Kiddo." "Hey guys, wanna play some video games?"

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA for a while, I've been really busy with track workouts, this play I'm in, and a college program I've been attending, all with highschool on top of it ;-;
Needless to say, I've been exhausted for a while and I thank everyone who is still reading for putting up with me and my bullshit upload schedule. BUUUUUTTTTT I have found something that I really like (and I mean I JUST found it literally right before uploading this) and so I'm gonna make a fanfic on it. It's still MLB but it's a ship that is kinda underrated lol 😂 anyways, have a good night/day, I'm gonna go pass out now

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