Chapter 13

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How ya been? So thanks for telling me about twitter its good and I made an account. I still don't understand some things like how to get followers but I think you just ask so If you could follow me on twitter that would be awesome. My name Is @I_Smell_Music 

Thanks for patianetly waiting for this chapter. It means a lotthat you guys don't get annoyed at me for taking ages to update. It's just rigtht now I have a lot less free time to write. so the story is going to get pretty interesting soon probably in this chapter.

well that's all I have to say. :D



Chapter 13

Faith P.O.V

I woke up with shivers running down my spine making me shake slightly. I'm cold but after a while you get used to it. Must mean winter is coming closer. I don't even know what day it is any more all I know is it's been long enough to fill four years. 

I open my eyes and blink. Yawning I stand up strectcing a bit. I look over at Niall who is slumped against the wall sleeping. My lips curve upwards into a smile, he looks so cute when he's sleeping. Wow! That sounded stalkerish. 

Shaking my head to get all the stalker like toughts out of my head I walk over to Niall. I gentally shake him awake.

"Niall. Niall! Wake up. They will be here soon." I whisper to him. He opens his eyes slowly and stares into mine, I have never noticed how blue his eyes are. I find myself smiling and he smiles back. How have i never noticed how cute he is before?

Stop Faith! I shake my head slightly and drop my smile. I look away from his gaze and look around the room at anything but his eyes. 

" Um... They might be here soon." I said awakwardly,

"Ok." Niall replies bluntly. and get's up off the ground. 

We wait in silence, not like the silence when he first came here but a more awakward one. Even though I hardly know wh it is... I look over at him.

"Hows your arm?" I ask finally. He looks down at his bandaged arm which is now covered in blood. He shurgs slightly.

"It still hurts but I'll live,hopefully." Niall said quietly. He looks away to the small dirty window with a thoughtful expression on his face. I don;t ask any more questions but get lost in my own thoughts. My mind drift back to that moment we had just a second ago, if you could even call it a moment. Something about him makes me feel safe and another thing is, I can't remember the last time I smiled a proper smile. It felt good to smile.

"Niall? I'm sorry." I said looking up at him from where I'm sitting. He looks over at me whith a confused expression.

"What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything." He tells me. I shake my head.

"No I did do something. I should have told you what to do before you drank the drink then you wouldn't have gotten hurt." I tell him.

"Faith it wasn't your fault.Even If you did tell me before I probably would have still gotten hurt." Niall said and comes over to me and sits down. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around me and we sit like that.

After a few minutes of now comfortable silence I feel my eyes getting heavyeir.

"Faith? Will you sing something to me?" Niall asks randomly. I look over at him. Would I sing? That's a strange question.

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