Chapter 19

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I'm listening to James Arthurs new single Impossible! It's pretty insane! I love it so much! He is the new Ed Sheeran. Well not really no one can replace Ed. If you havn't heard about James (Maybe your Americn?) I put his single on the side. He won this years Xfactor. The same one 1D was in. :)

So I put up a new story called reckless if you havn't noticed. Please have a look at it! It would make my day if you did. :)

I hope you like this chapter because I'm not really sure where it's going. :/ Haha sorry but I have an Idea. :) Well if you ship Naith? Fiall? Faill? lol. You will like it.

Here is the one and only...

Chapter 19


Niall P.O.V

I kissed her! That was the only thing running through my head as we walked silently down the empty road. I can't believe I did it though. I didn't even think I liked her like that but that kissed has changed my mind completely. I don't regret it at all. The only thing is does she feel the same way?

We keep walking down this endless road not saying anything but the silence was not awkward. I guess when nothing happens to you what do you talk about? I didn't really want to bring up the kiss in case it made her feel awkward. I know it would make me feel awkward.

As we walk the sun starts to set and as the sun fades away it also gets much colder. Wearing ripped up clothes is not really the best for winter as well. To make matters worse my tummy was starting to sound like a dying whale.

"Oh! Niall look!" Faith said and I looked up from the ground hoping to see some place we could get food but sadly being Irish does not give you all the luck in the world. What I saw though was amazing. The sky was painted pink, orange and purple as the sun set. I felt my lips pull into a smile.

"Wow. The view is never like his in the city." I said then I looked over at Faith. She had a small smile on her lips as she looked at the sky. She sighed and looked over at me catching my eye.

"We should keep walking before it gets to dark to see anything." She said as her smile faded from her lips. I nodded in reply and we kept walking. I havn't a clue where we are. There's no signs or any thing that shows that there are people left on this planet. Apart from the road.

But even the road doesn't look like its used much. It has faded markings on it and is bumpy with pot holes and cracks. There is o houses on the hills or cars driving by. It makes me wonder where we are. I mean even the most remote place in Ireland you see one car at least but I guess in Britain you have more places to hide.

Ireland. I was supposed to go back there for Christmas! I sigh letting my shoulders fall. There is no way that's happening now. Then I think of something.

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