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It was the middle of the night, and I was super nervous I was scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. I don't really remember falling asleep but I woke up to my mom waking me up with my phone still in my hand.

"Wake up you need to get up " she said as she shook me. Getting up and start getting ready for my first day of college. Getting up and blaring some music stretching and walking to the bathroom. I looked at the mop of hair I had on my head.

I sighed and brushed my hair, brushing my teeth as when I finished brushing my hair out. When I was done with everything I walked out of my room downstairs to the laundry room. Trying to find clean Clothes smelling the clothes on the floor that don't smell to bad. And put them on.

I walked to the kitchen grabbed a apple and started to walk to the car, getting into the car throwing my backpack in the car. Starting the car driving down the street to my first day of school.

I wake up opening my eyes and blinking as the sunshine seeps through the the window. I groan and get out of bed, walking to the bathroom it was the end of summer vacation and it sucked. I called my friend Sam " hello? "

I smiled " first day of school you ready ? " he groaned "I'll be there in a few " he hanged up the phone. I started to get ready. When Sam got at my house. I got in the back because Danny was sitting In the front I sat next to Cameron. He handed me a cig lighting it up and taking a big puff from it

We started off toward school, we got there fast because Sam drives like a crazy person. Just like my mom, we drove into a parking space and got out of the car. Walking to the picnic table and started to pull out another cig from my bag and smoke with my mates until we had to go to class that's when I saw him.

I saw a group of kids walking my way walking with my head down. So I couldn't see them. He had Jett black hair brown hazel eyes and tattoos all over his fit body.

But I knew he was the school bully so I stayed away from him. Because my friends Kellin brother use to date I think his name was Denis and Denis uses people for sex, and that's exactly what happen to my best friends brother. so I knew to stay far away from him.

Because he was nothing but trouble, walking to my class that was biology. When I got to my seat nobody was Sitting in the front seats so dropped my books on the table putting my head on the table since class hasn't started yet. "Hello is this seat taken ?" I immediately snap my head up from the desk. Knowing it was Denis who was about to sit next to me.

Making me shake, and get nervous why was I nervous I had no idea why . Looking up to see that it was HIM Denis I shock my head no that nobody was sitting there. Why did I do that? Because I'm fucking stupid! "Thanks " He said as he sat next to me

"Alright class turn your page to 394  my name is Mr Ronnie and I will be your biology teach for this semester." Denis and my hands touched by accidentally. I automatically pulled my hand away from Denis  hand. I looked up mistakenly and look into Ben's eyes to see that killer smile on his face. I smiled back at him, "fuck what are you doing stop smiling at him and look down !!"

My brain was screaming at me to stop looking at him, I looked down feeling myself blush madly. Soon the class ended I picked up all my books. Before I could walk out the classroom Ben started to talk to me. "Hi my name is Denis and you are?"

I look up and smile at him " Ben Bruce " I shook my head and whispered under my breath " why are you like it!?" Turning around and walking out the door.

Kellin rain to my side,  " dude what the fuck where you thinking! Why are you talking to Denis he is nothing, but trouble and me and you both know that from my brother.

We both know what happened to him, and I know that you don't want that to happen to you. I wanted the best for you! And he isn't the one." I just nodded my head "alright let's go"

Two hours later was lunch we walked the the lunch room and we sat near the back of the lunch room. When I saw him again and he winked at me. Feeling my heart start to flutter in m chest "Ben earth to Ben, don't let him fuck with you don't give in."

I nodded my head, but still looking at Denis. Smiled at him "fuck was I falling in love with him? This wasn't what was supposed to happen at all. I didn't want to get in trouble and have my heartbroken. And shit but I'm falling in love with Denis.

Ben looked at me as I walked across the lunch hall,  when I sat down next to my mates.  " I have a new game for you to play Denis" Danny sat next to me. And put his hand on my thigh. "And what's that Danny?"

He smiled a rather wicked smile. " I dare you to date Ben for a whole six months." I looked down at Ben who was still talking to his friend. "He looks rather familiar Ben friend I mean" Danny laughed rather loudly. " well you should you fucked his brother." I looked wide eyed " his bother is name Seth! "

Danny laughter louder "yes you just forgot about it because you fuck everyone in this school except for Kellin and Ben. But I bet you twenty dollars you won't get Ben to fuck you and fall in love with in six months."

I looked at Ben who was sill lost by his friend, and where in deep conversation. When Ben looked up he look down automatically. And then Kellin looked at me and threw his middle finger up at me. And looked away

Ben got up to throw his Tray away, walking to Ben " hey wanna to a party. Tomorrow?" He shook his head yes and walked away "let the games begin. I said under my breath."

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