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We were on a road trip and I couldn't help but look at Ben. He was cute and I couldn't get enough of him. He was so perfect, I wanted to make sure that he knew how perfect he was. He left the hospital a week ago.

So he was doing great. We were going to where his parents had their honeymoon. Since his mom was almost okay with me she let me take him out we were dating, again but I wanted to Ask him to marry me.

Because I knew we belong together and nothing is going to break us up. Not even Danny even though I didn't talk to him anymore because I left college. It wasn't something I wanted to do anymore. I wanted to be married to Ben and maybe have a cute little cute ceremony during Christmas, it would be so cute.

We were almost there and I was starting to get nervous, I wanted to ask at the right time. But I didn't know when to do it. When was the right time ? What if I fuck it up, these thoughts haven't left my mind in forever. Since we left the hospital "take a deep breath Denis " I whisper to myself while continuing to drive.

We were almost there and I could feel the ring burn a hole in my pocket. I wanted to ask him right here and now, but it is too early to do so maybe if I get laid tonight I will ask tomorrow. Fingers crossed I grow some balls tonight, why am I so scared. It's nothing to be scared of. It's not like he is going to say no.

When we got to the little Bed and Breakfast thing getting out of the car helping Ben out of the car. When the box fell out of my pocket, quickly I walked out of Ben's way and grabbed the box before Ben could see.

I grabbed it smiling at Ben before and putting it back in my back pocket, and walking to the front door. To open the door before Ben could even touch the door handle.

"Here you go baby" I whispered into his ear, making him shiver and smile a big smile. He sat down on the bed while I closed the door. It was a beautiful Bed and Breakfast, and started to sit on Ben's lap. And slowly started to grind on him.


Denis started to grind against me, making me want him. I wanted to be dominated by him, and he knew that's what I wanted. That's why he keeps teasing me.

He flipped me on my back and started to grind against me, and started to kiss down my body to the beginning of my pants. And unbuttoned my pants making me moan and arch my back, he kissed up my back up to my shirt. And started to take off my shirt and pants.

He started to play with my nipple and sucked on it, making me arch my back again. Fuck the things he knew that fuckinf turned me on, and I wanted him to fuck me already. He slowly kissed down my body back to my already hard erection. It was standing up by itself that's how good Denis is good at teasing me.

He slowly started to suck me off, making me moan he made me feel so fucking good. Letting out a loud enough moan that was practically a scream and hold on Denis head as I slowly guide him where to go.

I could feel his Mischievous smile, against my dick, he made me feel so good. And I couldn't to pleasure Denis he was my everything, I was so close he was pulling me closer and closer to climax. He knew I was ready to explode so he sucked me harder and hollowed his checks. So that I would be closer.

I screamed, pulling tightly and came into his mouth. Making him moan. And scream and his name, which made him smile even more. He made me go fucking nuts I at up and started to unbutton his shirt him taking off his pants for me, I took off his underwear and started to get hard again. Starting to stroke him.

Making him moan. "Fuck me " I whispered to him pushed me down on my hands and knees, slowly sliding inside of me making me scream as he pounds into me. Squeezing onto the bed sheets because of how good he fucking makes me feel. Like oh my god.

The way he could fuck me, was like wow ! I never wanted to stop. But I could tell that he was close and so was I his trust get sloppier so did his moans.

"Fuck Denis I need to fucking cum," I screamed.

He did as I asked and started to stroke me in time with his sloppy thrust. I could feel the pit of fire start to rise inside of me, making me want to come even more.

When one more thrust sends me over the edge really screaming his name. Grabbing onto the mattress and blanket, I saw that my cum was over the mattress. Not really caring because Denis was still pounding into my ass, making me feel on cloud 9 this was the best sex we have ever had. Pushing back on his dick to help him out, he soon cummed inside of me pulling out.

He pushed me down on the bed and started to kiss me, "that was the best sex we have ever had. "

I smiled and nodded my head, "I have something planned out for us tonight." Denis said with a smile on his face, I looked at him and smiled back. " okay"



This is going to either go too ways, it's either going to be Ben day yes and cry's. Or he is going to laugh at me and leave at dinner. I'm hoping for the first one.

We were sitting at the restaurant I picked out. It was cute and romantic. Ben couldn't stop smiling, I was glad that he was happy. When it was almost closing time. It was time to ask him to marry me, fingers crossed that it goes well. It was still full of people.

It was rather fancy but not that fancy, so I grabbed my glass, and started to tap it. " Hello everyone, I would like your attention for a minute. "Denis what are you doing" Ben snapped at me "just wait my love"

"I looked into Ben eyes and suddenly the jitters went away, I would like you for the great staff that works here. For the great Service you have here ! And for welcoming me and the love of my life into your beautiful restaurant. We very much appreciate it.

Anyways Benjamin paul bruce from the moment I saw you, where the one I wanted to be around and fall in love with. Well despite everything that has happened this past year, I have fallen in love with you more and more. No matter what we went through we stuck together and you are my shooting star in the sky.

The one I want to wake up to everyday with everyday, the one I want to share moments with to go to concerts with because I know how much you love going to them someone who will be there for you for better or worse. Look what I'm trying to say is. Benjamin Paul Bruce will you marry me? "

I was on one knee sweating bullets l said "yes" I started to cry, slipping the ring on his finger.

Kissing him ignoring everyone in the restaurant and started to make out with him, wanting to male sure that everyone knew that he was mine and only mine. We went back to the cabin and had sex to celebrate us getting enganged.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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