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Looking in the mirror I getting dressed up for the party I was going to with Denis . "Why are you doing this I told you about him Ben Denis is nothing but a troublemaker and we both know it. I rolled my eyes nothing bad is going to happen I promise."

That's when the doorbell rang making me up out of my skin "he's here !" I screamed walking down to the door before my mom could go and open the door I smiled a big smile at Denis.

He smiled pleasantly back me , "ready to go hello Kellin " Denis said. Kellin walked back up to my room. and slammed the door shut, "anyways are you ready to go?" I nodded my head he took my hand and started to lead me to his car. He opened the door for me. " what a gentleman " i started to think to myself.

He shut the door when in and buckled up, he smile and walked in front of car. Opening the door and driving into the night sky.

The only reason why I took this bet was for me to get laid, but that won't be happening anytime soon. I had to play my cards right with this one. Or I will fuck everything up and Ben was really fucking attractive I'm not trying to fall in love I will not happen i won't let that happen. Because if I do I'm screwed.

I just didn't love him and I wasn't going to fall for him ... or at least try to. We drove at first I didn't want to talk to Ben but he looked nervous. So I started to talk to him" how was your first day at school ?" He looked even more nervous "good how about you?" I smiled looking at the road trying to act cool "it was good." Was all managed to come out.

When we got there I parked on either side of the street and turned off the car. I looked at Denis and I wanted to have this bet be over and done with so I took the next step I turned to lol at Ben and he looked at me. I pulled a piece of hair out of his face. And leaned in to kiss him, he kissed me back slowly.

He was really good at kissing, maybe this wouldn't be a bad bet.

He kissed me again I grabbed the side of his head to pull him closer, he moans making me get hard I don't know why I was hard." Let's go " I whispered to Ben" he smiled at me he got out of the car and walked next to my door. Waiting for me to open the door. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. "

Opening my door and grabbing his hand, making him smiled smile while looking down at the ground maybe even blushing.

We opened the door to the party and it was full of Ben's friend, and Kellin and my group of friends where here to. "I'm going to go say hi to Kellin " Denis screams in my ear as he walks off into the party. To talk to Kellin, he looks rather mad but I don't care.

I walked over to Kellin letting go of Denis hand, I should have let go of Denis hands before I even opened the doo. "What the fuck is wrong with you ! Are you ducking dumb ! Does my brother mean nothing to you! You are going to get hurt!"

I looked at him"I'm not going to get hurt Ben is not like that "

I looked at Kellin "never fucking talk to me ever again !" Kellin screamed. Slamming into my shoulder and walking out the door.

I walked over to the drinks and pour myself some vodka and soda. Drinking my first cup even though there was more to come. Drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking.

Walking to my crew, looking at them "is the plan going according to plan? " Danny ask me "everything is going great" Danny smiled at me  "I'll do this mate since your going to Ask Ben to be your boyfriend today. I'll give you twenty dollars and if you get Ben to fuck you I will give you one hundred dollars"

I smiled and looked down "so I will be getting one hundred twenty dollars." I said with a big grin on my face. "I'll do it."

Sam and Danny gave me a big hug "now go get him tigger" Danny said. Walking over Ben who was really drunk"

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