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We drove in silence back home, I was upset that Denis hadn't fucked me yet and I wanted him to fuck me already maybe trying to get him to fuck me won't be such a bad idea. I grabbed onto Denis leg and started to slowly move it up and down his leg. When i unbutton his pants he didn't stop me. Helping him take off his pants he bit his lip and watched as I slowly took off his boxers.

Lucky we were stopped at a red light, and that the windows were tinted so that nobody could see in. He picked up his hips his dick springing up making me lick my lips, leaning down and started to kiss the tip of Denis head. Making him moan " Please Ben " i smiled " you want me to suck you off baby is that what you want" he hmm when i slowly started to lick the tip of his erection. " Fuck please Ben" he moaned again, " wait until we get home and fuck me and i will give you what you want, he pulled up his pants and started to pout making me laugh hard.

" You know what fuck it let's skip school and let me fuck you the way you derseve to be fucked."

I had a big smile on my face and started to blush, It would be my first time having sex with one of my crushs. This is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'm so excited when he got to Denis house we walked up to the door. Taking in a shaky breath i knew what to expect i've had sex before. But this time it would be different, I would be having sex with Denis and he would be having sex with me. " Are you nervous " he started to kiss my neck making me moan.

It was his turn to tease me, I just needed to be cool and calm but i was neither one of them, He carried me to the bedroom and threw me on the bed. Me watching as he pulled off his shirt me biting my lip and whispering for him to come here and fuck me.

He climbed on top of me kissing down my body to the beginning of my pants slowly unbuttoning them and taking them off. Making me smile as he went further down my body. My erection, he whispered in my ear.

"I want you to ride me so fucking hard"

I shiver went down my spine, when Denis started to kiss back up my body. He pulled me on top of him, we were both almost fully nakeded. Denis took off my boxers leaving me exposed I kissed down his body to the beginning. Of his boxers pulling them off. And getting on top of Denis Slowly slidding down onto his length making both of us moan. Fuck Ben fuck me like i'm your whore. Denis screamed underneath me making me go faster than before since he was bugging and I loved it when people bugged for me to fuck them faster.

I went faster moving up and down on Denis making both of us a moaning mess starting to bend down sucking on his neck. Looking into Denis beautiful eyes. He reached up and started to pump my length in time with my own thrust. Making me arch my back and go deeper into Denis making both of us moan louder. " I'm C-Close !" screams Denis going faster grabbing onto the bed sheets. And the next thing that is happening Denis comes inside of me and with a couple more thrust with Denis I let out a long high pitched scream. And come all over Denis body. Getting off Denis and laying right next to him.

This was the best sex I have ever had. He was just so sexy that nothing else In this world felt right.

Like I wanted to be with him twenty four seven every day. I didn't care what we were doing as long as I was spending time with him that's all that mattered to me .

I wanted to spend the rest of forever with Ben and I knew he did too because he told me he loved me. And that he meant it. I have never been so in love before and I was really happy with that. Happy for the first time in a long time when all of a sudden Denis started to get dressed " come on let's go." Without asking questions I got dressed to and started to walk towards the door. He smiled with a slight frown on his face. This wasn't going to be good.


I had to tell him about Asking and that i was dropping out of college,And stuff like that but I won't tell him that he is bet. That would make things harder on my life I already felt like shit about it and plus Danny was an asshole and wanted to see how long it would last before someone found out. Which i had a bad feeling about the whole thing. But i was afraid to talk to him about it. We were driving to where we had our first date.I need to tell him I knew it was a bad idea to tell him now right after we had sex but it was better than nothing. I guess i'm starting to cry.

I can feel the fuckers down my face, Wiping them away before Ben knew what was going on. I didn't want to get close to him because of the stuff that was going on in my life and the bet. But he wasn't a bet anymore after we made love it was different. Everything changed he was special to me. All the people i fucked didn't seem to matter anymore. And it's all going to be fuck up once he knows about the bet maybe i should break things off. No that would hurt both of us.

We were at the beach it was rather cold. For an October morning, I wanted to be calm about this and not freak out about the whole thing. We found a spot to sit and made out a little before pulling away our foreheads touching. Still "Ben I have something to tell you" He started to freak out " Oh god you're breaking up with me aren't you I'm not good enough for you we just made love did you use me !" I looked at him " are you crazy i would be an idiot if i was breaking up with you. But me and my band got signed and were going to start touring next week.

And i'm dropping out of Collage, to pursue my career. Best friends but Danny doesn't want to go because of his girlfriend and he can't go a day without fucking her. So I need to look for a lead guitarist and it won't be easy because where just starting out and stuff we only have one new song written because Danny left the band and i don -- " Ben interrupted me " i know how to play guitar I can play for you." I gave him a smile smile " I don't need you to drop out of school for me baby I want you to stay here and get a good education for you and maybe we can get married one day and have a normal life. Knowing that i just fucked up my happiness and I'm going to need to fuck a lot of people the day Ben finds out. And I'm not looking forward to that at all.

"Denis please i know what i am capable of doing trust me" I took a deep breath and thought about it for a minute. "Okay you can be the lead Guitarist" he smiled and screamed hugging me making me laugh, I was happy again without a worry in the world. Well at least for now....

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