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It has been months since Denis was in the hospital i might be going to jail if Ben doesn't make it out. And as much as I hate to admit it I did deserve to be in jail, But i did admit to myself finally.

That I was in love with Ben and there was nothing that was going to change my mind. And I will make it up to Ben's family. Even if that was the last thing I did. I wanted to make sure that everything was alright and that he was still his perfect self.

I Dropped out of college and make sure that everything will be good with Ben I visited him in the hospital. I apologize that I could and make things better, but his mom didn't want to hear anything from me. She was so mad at me it was crazy." Look I just want to make sure that everything is okay and that he is cared for.

That's all I want," she just walked off more like storming off and didn't say anything back to me. I was over this, so I went into Ben's room.

Ben mom

"I can't believe he had the nerve to show up here and after he's the one that broke my baby boy. he looked like he was thinking. " Can I be in your son's life? Can I have your son's hand in marriage.?" I shoot my head his smile faded " you have to ask my son for forgiveness but, If you really love him like you say you do then when Ben comes around you can ask him to marry him." He smiled and hugged me " Thank you so much" i can't wait to ask him."

"Mrs bruce your son has woken up"


I knew I should leave now but Mrs Bruce stopped me, "We will go into together and talk to him about forgiving you" I got nervous getting closer to his room. I took a deep breath and walked into Ben's room. His mom didn't come inside she wasn't at the door and looking in the Window, Ben was about to open his mouth put i stopped him before he could say something " just listen to me first and if you don't forgive me i will leave your life forever I swear."

He looked at me " you have five minutes go" I nodded my head and continued to talk, "I never meant to hurt you i swear when we make love it's more than making love to me. It was our bodies becoming one and that it was me giving myself to you. And to me it was totally worth it. And if you forgive me I see myself marrying you and having a son or daughter with you, I see a future with you because you are the love of my life. And the things I did should have never happened to you. I swear I'll make it up to you if you forgive me I am never leaving your side until you tell me to do so." I felt tears start to roll down my face as something took over me.

Ben looked at me and smile " Come here" he reached out his hand and kissed my cheek " I'm never going to leave your side Ben i swear to god"


I went with my gut telling me to forgive him and i did i was looking into Denis brown eyes i wanted to be kissed by him again. Leaning into kiss him, He kissed back it started off sweet and innocent. And then got more heated as time went on, I went on with kissing him. As time went on I could feel myself start to get hard and smile " Ben fuck me right now and make me yours. " I whispered. " Are you sure ? He asked

I nodded my head and smiled, we made sure that nobody was coming. "Come here " I whispered he got on top of me and started to push my hospital gown up while kissing me while I undid his pants and boxers.

We were both naked Denis slowly started moving slowly inside of me, making me throw my head back in pleasure . He was the best at sex we only had sex twice, but I swear the more we have sex the more better it gets. Denis started to moan his moans where the best.

He made me so hard, his moans where the sexiest sound ever to exist, I wanted to marry this man and have kids with him. I don't care what happened it's sound really dumb. But I was so in love with him, that nothing could stand in our way. I love him so much.

This is my Awakening and I know I am totally in love with him. I love him with all my heart, and nothing was going to change it, I was ready to marry Denis.

Even though we have been dating for three months, but that was enough for me. And I'm sure he was ready to, he started to go faster with his trust making me screaming "shhhh we have to be quiet." He smirked he held a hand over my mouth.

And started to go faster muffling my moan, he started to kiss my neck and remove his hand from my mouth. Fuck Denis I moaned softly, while trying to keep quiet. "Fuck me faster daddy " he stopped looking for at me, "what did got just say?" He asked with a smile on his face. "I-I called you daddy" his smile was bigger.

"Call me that again" he demanded, as he moved faster and deeper into me brushing up against my favorite spot. "Daddy fuck" I almost scream making Denis happy once again. God I love fucking the shit out of you." It's the best feeling ever." I smile at him.

And start to kiss him, making him moan and reach between our bodies and start to stroke my length in time with his thrusts. "Please please please please let me come daddy please" I wanted to come already.

But my body wasn't wanting to come it wanted to torture me some more, like Denis was. He would slam into me and then go softly with his thrusts. And the. Repeat the same thing.

I started to claw at his back making him almost scream from pleasure, Making me smile from the thought of me pleasuring Denis " Fuck Denis" i scream as I come all over his stomach and chest.Making Denis come to at the sudden tightness, "Fuck Ben you feel so good Denis was about to get up grabbing his arm. He smiled knowing what I wanted laying down beside me we feel asleep in each others arms. Denis was still sleeping and we were both still naked, Smiling to myself. This was better than any day I've ever had in my life time.

I went to the window to see that the sun was coming up. Getting dressed and walking back to the window, watching the sun and watch Denis sleep watching his chest going up and down. He was smiling in his sleep.

"Ben " he moaned I smiled he slowly opened his eyes, and looked at me with a cute smile of his, I walked over to him. Kissing him he I kissed him we heard someone fake clear their throat, we pulled away the nurse was here to take my Vitals for the day to make sure everything is going okay with me.

"I see you have a visitor may he leave for a minute ? "

I nodded my head, " could you give us a minute ?" She smiled and nodded her head. Denis got up after it was clear but before he could put his boxers back on, I was on my knees I was a slut for Denis. "Ben i'm not sure we can do thi- he stopped when I started to lick his length from bottom to top swirling my tongue at his tip.

Making him grip onto my hair making me moan making him shutter, from the vibration from me moaning. He was close I know he was almost there so I started to suck him faster and harder. He moaned really loud.

As he bit his lip and looked down at me making me smile. I swallowed everything. He Leaned down and kissed me softly, he pulled away and got dressed winking at me as he walked out of the room.

God I was crazy In crazy with him I swear to god, the nurse came in. "So is that your boyfriend?" I smiled and nodded, "yes he is" she smiled "well congratulations, you are free to go home next week we are still doing cat scans to make sure everything is okay. " the nice nurse told me I was excited.

I wanted to go and have sex with Denis all day every day. But I know I would have to go to therapy, but I was still going to have sex with Denis as much as possible even in the hospital even if we have to. I was so In love with him, that it doesn't matter where we do it.

I just wanted to be with him, and nothing was going to change that. He was the one for me, "okay thanks " I said as I went to lie down in bed, closing my eyes and thinking nothing more than my Denis and how were meant to be.


I was so In love with Ben nothing was going to stop me from dating Ben, I blocked Danny and his friends. They haven't bothered to message me since I left which is a good thing, They were nothing but toxic. And i wanted to focus on Ben . Well maybe after i eat breakfast and maybe fuck Ben again. Smiling at the thought of fucking Denis again, that i was the happiest person ever, I walked back to the room there he was sleeping with his hot self i kissed his cheek.

"Happy Thanksgiving my love" he smiled in his sleep sitting on the couch slowly drifting off to sleep

Happy Thanksgiving everyone hope you have a good Thanksgiving and hope its a good one, And if you don't celebrate thanksgiving i hope you have a good day. Much love ! 

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