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"Aye yo Danny! "Walking down the hallway, " you owe one hundred twenty dollars." Danny stop in his tracks, " wait you actually fucked him I don't believe it is he that easy" I just nodded my head " I want proof your fucking Denis. " I looked at him like he was crazy, are you Kidding me? I have to fuck Ben again."

I sounded to excited for it be believable that I was complaining about it. " is that going to be a problem?"

I shook my head I was rather happy about getting to fuck Ben again. "How do you want proof? " he looked at me before saying this. " I need you to voice record yourself having sex with Ben. And then I'll give you one hundred twenty bucks. He held out his hand out for me, shaking his head and walking towards class. When I saw Ben at my locker," hey baby."

He looked really happy, "hey baby " I leaned in to kiss him. I hate the way that my lips felt on Denis the way i loved him when i know that this is all just a dare and this is nothing and it will be over soon when Danny says it will be. But I couldn't help but fall in love with him he was perfect. And at the same time of not wanting to be with him he still made me fall in love with him.

He was perfect, And anyone was lucky enough to have him as a boyfriend. Maybe he was the one that I was meant to be with. And maybe I shouldn't fuck it up.


I was currently with the mates and I had a wicked idea. " Guys i have a plan and I need you to go with it," Telling the mates " what is it? It's not one of your stupid ideas is it? " Sam asked, Rolling my eyes and ignoring him. " so I told Denis that i didn't believe that he fucked Ben so. I told him to voice record himself having sex with Ben and guess what he is going to do it."

They all looked at each other, " We still don't get it" James spoke up " let me tell you then you didn't let me finish. " rolling my eyes once more, " When Denis gives us the tape of Him and Ben having sex we spread it all around school and then they will break up and i will tell Ben that he was just a bet. And then we get our Denis back, " They all shook their head and smiled at me.


We were driving back towards Denis house and I was rather nervous, He said he wanted to try something new in the bedroom. So I was excited and nervous, And kinda excited for what was about to happen to me.

We arrived at Denis house he walked me up to the front door and kissed me , tenderly and sweet at first. But adding more heat to the kiss as time went on.

Making me more excited than before, he pushed open the door for me and carried me to the bedroom. He threw me down on the bed, starting to get excited he slowly started to pull of my shirt.He slowly kissed down my body, making my breath shallow. When he went down to the beginning of my pants looking up and started to slowly take off my pants letting my erection pop out. Making him lick his lips, slowly starting to kiss down where I needed to be touched the most.

He slowly started to suck me off making me moan, Denis was so good at giving head. I moaned and threw my head back. And moaned i was so close, "DenDen i'm so close. "Mhm " he moaned making me shudder.

I came inside his mouth he swallowed everything, he got back on top of me and started to kiss me. I slowly took off his shirt he moaned and started to suck on my neck, making me moan "Denis " I moaned. He smiled.

I pushed Denis down onto the bed and unbutton his pants and underwear. So that we can have sex.

I LOVED sex with Denis I took ahold of his dick and slowly started to slid down onto his Dick making both of us moan at the same time. I arched my back and started to grab the side of Denis body he got the hint and started to grab my hips. Both of our moans filled the room, Making me smile down at him I went faster and started to moan louder the pleasure was to much to bare. He made me feel so good and it was perfect, " fuck Ben Denis moaned.

Making me closer to climax, he started to stroke me making me moan louder and come all over his stomach. Making Denis come inside me. Making me smile and kiss his lips pulling out licking my cum off Denis. He moaned making him roll his eyes back inside his head. Making me enjoy it more. He looked at me and smiled harder " god you make me so fucking happy."

I smiled harder than he was " you make me happier " he nodded his head and went to bed.


Going to school the next morning I already sent the voice memo on my phone to Danny and he was going to send it to everyone tomorrow morning. "Does this mean I get to break up with Ben now ?" Danny looked at me and shook his head yes but where still going to fuck with him. "

I looked at him "can I tell him he was just a bet now or do I wait for tomorrow.? " Danny thought about it again you can tell him now. " I just shook my head this is going to be really hard for me to do but i need to do it I love Ben i really do but i like James from our group. And i think he might ask me out today. I can't believe that I'm really doing this right now but oh well.

" Going to find Ben when i found him with the Kir guy that just uses guys for sex he is going to use Ben for sex and I'm not sure how i feel about it. Well, I didn't have to worry about much because of Ben's little friend Kellin. He grabbed him before he could do anything else with him.

I walked up to Kellin and Ben " Hey i need to talk to Ben alone for a minute, " Kellin looked at me and nodded. We walked to the cafeteria, finding a seat and i started to spill out what I had to say. "Ben you were nothing but a bet to me and i have 120 dollors because of you, You are nowhere near my type and every time we fucked i felt grossed out. And tomorrow a video of us having sex will be all over the school and there will be nothing you can do about it."

I finally looked up at Ben and he was silently crying ugly crying rather than just crying .


Without saying i word i ran towards the street and did watch where I was going I was blind by my tears. I got hit by a car black is all that I see..................  

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