Chapter 1

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(quick author note, feel free to scroll)
Hello, Reader! I'm Jack, the author. When I wrote this story I was around 13 or 14 and now I'm an adult? Time moves so fast. But I still get emails when people comment on this and I read the comments every time. It makes me so happy that people are still reading this 8 years after it was posted.

With time though, I've realized this story needs a trigger warning. 100 Roses features self harm, attempted suicide, and violence.

It's a very angsty story but I've always been a dramatic gay. Have fun reading :)

October 23, 2014
Palo Alto, California

Dean stared out the window of his dad's Impala, waiting for Sammy. His dad always left the Impala when he went on his jobs. Dean rolled his eyes at the word job. His father was a drug dealer who constantly had the cops chasing him down. It was always the same routine but Dean had gotten used to it. John would drop the boys off at some motel and leave. They would settle in at a new school and stay there for a few months. Then he would show up again, only to drop them off at another place. It was, of course, so that the boys wouldn't get pestered by police because they would be to busy chasing Johns tail. His visits with the boys were always brief, about a day or two, and never pleasant. Sam and John absolutely despised each other and John had a tendency to drink a lot.  Dean was sure he'd been to at least two schools in every connecting state. Sam seemed to like it at this particular school though, even found himself a girlfriend. Dean smiled as he saw Sam approach the car, grinning. He was in the middle of a conversation with Jess, the previously mentioned girlfriend. Dean approved of her, she was really sweet and funny, pretty too. He was honestly proud of his baby brother. He watched as Sam opened the trunk, putting his and Jess' backpacks in it, then proceeding to open the door for her. Within a minute, they were situated in the back seat together.

"Hey, Jess. How was your day, Sammy?" He asked, glancing behind them to check that he would not back into anything or anyone for that matter.

"Deeaann! Don't call me that." Sam whined, causing Jess to giggle.

Dean just smirked and decided to switch to a different topic.

"Are you guys hungry? I was thinking we should grab some burgers." He suggested.

Jess grinned widely at this and nodded.


About two hours later, they pulled up to the motel. Seeing as it was Friday, Jess was allowed to stay over till 9:00PM. Then they would go drop her off. But they had time to kill until then so Dean left them to do whatever it is that nerdy thirteen year olds do on a Friday night while he took a two hour nap. When he woke up, Sam and Jess were playing a game of chess. He breathed a laugh before standing up and walking out into the chilly night time air. It nipped at his skin through his thin T-shirt and suddenly, a thought of oh I should have brought my jacket occurred to him. He shrugged and got in the Impala, reaching his hand into a secret cubby hole he had made when he was fifteen. Out he pulled, a cigarette and match box. He really should get off these, but he honestly saw no point.


Two more hours went by and soon they were in front of Jess' parents house. Dean could imagine Sam coming here with Jess' and their kids in the future. Visiting Gramma' and Granpa'. As soon as Sam had walked Jess to the door, he was back in the car and had a scowl on his face.

"I didn't want to start anything in front of Jess," Sam started, "You and the Impala reek of smoke. You said you'd try to quit, Dean! That you wouldn't...." He trailed off.

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