Chapter 23

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-won't lay a finger huh? The man said, raising his eyebrows, -you injured my friend and now your telling me to stay away from your girlfriend? He pushes me back down to the floor.

-get of me! I hear angie shout from upstairs and I shot up and the man held me up against the wall and then there come angie and the other man through the door, he had Angie's arms tied and her legs, she tried to wiggle and kick to get from the man but she couldn't.

The man sat her down on a chair and tied her to it and she looked at me and it broke my heart, she looked at the man, -what do you want can't you just leave me and Germans alone! She said, the man looked at her and come close to her face, he went to kiss her but angie turned her head and kept on doing that every time he tried.

-leave her go, she has nothing to do with this, I said angry, the man kissed her and angie was shaking. The man which was holding me up against the wall was holding my head to watch him and angie.

He started to undo Angie's buttons on her top and she was trying to fidget away and she was filling up, -get of her I said angry.

The man carried on and then started to undo her buttons on her trousers and angie spat at him, he looked at angie and slapped her across her face and then I realised how strong I was.

I ripped out of the mans strength and punched the other man which knocked him out on the floor, the other man came over by me and pointed a gun up to my head, -no please don't shoot him, shoot me not him, angie cried.

I hit the gun out the mans hand and quickly grabbed it and faced it to the two men, I grabbed the phone and rang the police which arrived in minutes. They burst through the door and told me to put the gun Down, they asked what gone on and me and angie had the same story so he believed us and then looked at the two men and handcuffed them, they said that we might need to go down there tomorrow for questioning, they took them to the police car and drove off.

I kneeled down to where angie was tied in the chair, she had tears streaming down her face and she was still shaking, I untied her and put my hands on her cheeks, -now did you think I would let anything happen to you I said and she smiled still crying and she jumped in my arms.

I held her tight into me and held her head into my shoulder, she hugged me tightly and I looked at her, -are you okay, she looked at me and nodded she was still shaking and she placed her hands on my face, -I love you she whispered and kissed me.

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