A Royal Invitation

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Chapter 29 – A Royal Invitation

In which a few loose ends are tied up with a ribbon…

Chris and Darren’s romantic afternoon in the woods was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Rachel, who came rushing up to inform them that Darren was in “big trouble” with the royal physician for sneaking out of his room.  The three of them tried to return to the palace undetected, but they were met at the gate by the royal physician herself, standing with hands on hips and a no-nonsense expression on her face.  Chris almost didn’t recognize her, since he’d never seen Carole look so stern.

“Young man, I left specific instructions for you to stay in bed.  The health and well-being of every guest who comes to this palace is my responsibility, and I will not allow you to jeopardize your recovery.  Now, since you are obviously unable to follow my orders on your own, you will be escorted back to your room, where a guard will be stationed at the door to ensure that you get the rest you need.”

Then, glancing at Chris and Darren’s linked hands, she added, “Alone.”

There was clearly no point in arguing, so – with a final quick kiss – Darren allowed himself to be led away.

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur in Chris’s mind.  He spent the remainder of the afternoon wandering around the palace in a blissful daze, chuckling whenever he caught himself humming sappy love songs.  Even the fact that the guard outside Darren’s room refused to let him in couldn’t put a damper on his good spirits. 

Dinner that evening should have been memorable, since it was the first time Chris had sat down to a proper meal in over a week, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember a single thing he ate.  Shortly after the first course was served, a footman entered the dining hall to inform Queen Snow White and King Sam that Quinderella had delivered her baby, and that they were invited to attend a celebration of the birth of Princess Beth. 

After reading over the parchment scroll the footman handed him, King Sam turned to Rachel.  “My brother must have heard that you’re visiting, Queen Red, because he says that you’re invited, too.”

“Oh my, I just love babies!” Rachel gushed.  “And you’ll be my plus-one, right Froggy?”

“Um, do you think that will be okay?”

“Of course,” Sam assured him.  “My family isn’t at all amphibiaphobic.”  Then he added, “You and Darren must come too, Chris.  Apparently Quinderella’s Fairy Godfather specifically requested that you should be included in the invitation.”

Before Chris could respond, Sir Cooper burst into the room.  “Kurt Hummelocks has escaped!” he shouted.  “When the guards went to give him his supper, they found his cell empty!  Shall I send my troops to track him down?”  

Chris glanced at Rachel, who glanced at Mercedes, who winked.  “There’s no point in that, Sir Cooper.  I’m sure he’s long gone by now,” the queen replied.

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