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Juvia POV

Juvia had been watching Lucy outside her widow crying for some time now and felt bad for her. She knew Lucy liked Natsu and by pretending to date him, she was hurting Lucy. She was about to go outside and tell Lucy about Mira's plan, but she stopped when she saw another figure walk up behind Lucy. It was Gray. Then out of nowhere they hugged each other, and stayed there, seeming like forever in Juvia's eyes. When they separated they both walked away together, and Gray put his arm around Lucy's shoulder. Juvia sunk down the wall and began to cry. She thought the plan that was supposed to bring her and Gray together, instead brought him and Lucy together. She didn't know what to do so she called Mira to tell her that her plan failed.

"Hello Juvia, what can I do for you at this time of the night?"

"Your plan isn't working Mira." Juvia said sobbing

"Juvia, what do you mean? Are you ok?"


"What happened?"

"Juvia saw Lucy outside her window crying and Juvia was about to tell her about your plan because it's hurting her, but before Juvia left the window, she saw Gray come up to Lucy and hold her for a long time, and they walked away with his arm around her."


"How is that a good thing, Mira, how?"

"Well Lucy was probably crying over losing Natsu, and Gray needed someone to cry on about losing you, and they probably went to talk somewhere about it. You don't need to stress to much Juvia, it will all work out, trust me."

"Juvia hopes you are right Mira." Juvia hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and went to bed.

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