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Juvia slowly came back to reality with the warm sun on her face. She opened her eyes and the passengers on the car were either awake or close to it. She looked at her sleeping boyfriend who was holding her securely in his arms. She smiled at his calm and relaxed face and turned her head to look at Lucy and Natsu. Lucy was awake as well. Lucy looked over at Juvia and smiled once she saw she was awake.

"Good morning Juvia, how was your rest? Comfy I'm guessing." Lucy laughed.

"More or less, I slept better than I thought. What about you, how did you sleep?" Juvia smiled and Lucy rubbed her neck.

"I'm a bit stiff in the neck and my legs are asleep but otherwise I'm fine. I can't exactly move though, but I mean you can't either." They both smiled at their sleeping boyfriends.

"I need to get up and stretch my legs so I'm going to attempt to get up without waking him up." Juvia gestured to Gray. She slowly began to prop herself up and maneuver out of his arms. He tensed up as Juvia attempted to move his arms to his sides. She slowly stepped away from him, turned around and gave Lucy a thumbs up. Lucy smiled and then attempted to get Natsu off her. She picked up his head and scooted over. He groaned a bit when Lucy set his head down on the chair. Both the girls stood stretching their legs and arms for a bit.

"That's much better I can feel my limbs." Lucy sighed in relief.

"I wonder how much longer we have until we get home, I really want to get off this train." Juvia's stomach growled. "I'm also hungry." She sweat dropped and Lucy laughed.

"Let's go see if the train has anything to offer in the other cars, I'm hungry too." Lucy rubbed her stomach. They both made their way to the other cars in search of food. A few minutes after they left the car, Gray and Natsu began to stir. When the girls got back to the cab after finding a bite to eat, the train was approaching magnolia and the boys were awake. The train dropped them off at their station and they began the walk home.

"I am so glad that horrible ride was over." Natsu was just getting over the effects of motion sickness.

"It wasn't that bad, stop complaining." Lucy poked him in the head.

The group walked in a quiet peace until the guild hall was in sight.

"Look there it is!" Juvia pointed out, preparing to run toward it.

"Let's go then!" Natsu yelled as he sprinted toward the guild hall.

"Wait up!" Lucy was struggling to catch up to the fire mage. Juvia was about to take off after the celestial wizard but she was grabbed by the arm. She turned to Gray and smiled.

"What is it Gray, are you not excited to get back?" Juvia looked up at him, attempting to make eye contact, but he averted his eyes each time. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine. It's just... what are we Juvia? I know it's random and might not be the best time to ask since you want to get home, but I have to know. I've been thinking about it since you said you wanted to be my girlfriend but, in all honesty, I don't know if I rushed or forced the answer out of you. I didn't mean to be so blunt, I just had to tell you what you mean to me. So, I want to make sure... you are actually ok with... us." Gray looked down at Juvia reaching her gaze. To Juvia, Gray's eyes looked desperate, scared even. He looked like he wanted to cry and Juvia was not about to let that happen.

"Gray Fullbuster, now what in the world possessed you to think this? You know I love you and you know how much I want to be with you. You, my love, took away the dark sky and gloomy rain from my ever-bleak life and replaced it with sunshine and happiness. You gave me a place to call home and people to call family. You even taught me what love is and how beautiful it can be. The moment you returned my feelings, the whole world stopped, and I fell even more in love with you. So yes, I am more than ok with us, and you never forced anything out of me, you are to kind for that." Juvia poured out her heart in front of the man whose heart once was ice, but now the ice was melting. Gray finally let the tears fall and he wrapped Juvia in his arms, never intending to let go. He cried for a bit and Juvia just let him, a few tears fell from her own eyes as well. When Gray finally pulled away Juvia smiled at him and wiped the remaining tears from his face with her thumbs.

"You know there is one last thing I have to tell you before we head over to the guild." Gray nonchalantly stated as he composed himself.

"What might that be?" Juvia asked, since she had no idea what he was talking about. Gray bent over so he could whisper in her ear.

"I love you."

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