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Gray woke up feeling warm and comfy. He didn't want to open his eyes and wanted sleep to consume him, but that idea was shattered when he constricted his arms tighter on the object he was holding, and it hummed. His eyes opened and all he could see was a sea of blue. At first, he was confused and dismissed it but when it moved, everything clicked into place, he was holding onto Juvia. His face heated up and he tried to release her, but she groaned and turned over. He was paralyzed in his place, Juvia was still asleep but was now facing him, with her face in his chest. He tensed when he felt her breath on his skin but soon got used to it. He placed his head on top of hers and brought her body closer. He laid there, feeling content and happy. He smiled to himself and gazed down at the figure in his arms. His gaze was soon disrupted by two familiar blue orbs staring right back at him. He quickly became flustered and he hastily let go of her and got out of the bed. Juvia sat up, stretched, and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning Gray, did you sleep well?" Juvia smiled with tired eyes.

"Yeah I did, and sorry for, um, that." He scratched the back of his head. Juvia giggled which set his heart ablaze.

"It's ok, you did the same thing when Juvia got in bed last night." She chose to leave out the part where she kissed him on the forehead.

"WHAT?!" Gray freaked out on both the inside and outside. "Shit, that's so embarrassing. You're not going to tell Natsu are you?" He looked at her with very concerned eyes, and Juvia was beyond confused.

"Why would Juvia tell him?" she was generally confused.

"Well I mean, isn't he your boyfriend." Gray struggled to form words, so it was easy to feel his unease. Juvia got out of the bed and walked toward him. His heart sped up and he began to freak out. Before Juvia reached him, she veered to the left to look at the clock.

"We are going to be late, the gala is in an hour!" she freaked out causing Gray to freak out. Over the next hour they were quickly prepping for the gala. Gray finished with ten minutes to spare. He sat down on the couch out of breath in his tux. He barely caught his breath when Juvia walked into the room. Gray's eyes widened, and his mouth hung open. He looked her up and down and almost died on the spot.

 He looked her up and down and almost died on the spot

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(Reference Outfits)

"Is it ok? Juvia is a little skeptical

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"Is it ok? Juvia is a little skeptical." Juvia looked down at the dress and spun around.

"I, you, um, wow." That was all Gray could manage to get out.

"I think we should go and meet up with Natsu and Lucy now, just for a quick debrief." Juvia walked over to the door and motioned for Gray to follow. He quickly got up and trailed behind her like a lost puppy, never letting her out of his eyesight. Once they saw Lucy and Natsu, Juvia waved them over.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Lucy chirped, looking extremely happy.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Lucy chirped, looking extremely happy

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"We're fine, Juvia likes your dress Lucy, its very pretty

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"We're fine, Juvia likes your dress Lucy, its very pretty. Juvia especially loves your suit Natsu, it makes you look very handsome." Juvia batted her eyes as flirty as possible to convince Gray that they were dating, considering what position they were in this morning. Natsu caught on and smiled at Juvia.

"You look stunning Juvi." Natsu grabbed Juvia's hand and kissed it lightly. Gray was trying his very best not to pound Natsu's head in. He had completely forgotten that they were a thing and it made him angry. Natsu excused himself and Juvia from the group to talk privately, leaving Gray and Lucy alone.
"So how was your night with Juvia?" Lucy wondered, breaking the silence.

"I mean, not much really happened, that I remember anyway." Gray replied

"Wait, what do you mean, 'that you remember'?"

"I went to bed before Juvia because she said she was going to stay up, and when I woke up, she was in my arms. It was like she wanted to be there because when I tried to let her go she just moved closer to me, not that I minded obviously." His face became tinted with a light pink shading his cheeks.

"So that's it? Nothing else happened?" Lucy prodded, trying to get more info out of him.

"If you mean other than some guy breaking into our room and Juvia giving him hell, no." Gray said bluntly.

"Hmm that's interesting." Lucy said while in deep thought. Gray looked at her and she had a slight grin on her face which made Gray uneasy.

With Natsu and Juvia

"What did you want to talk about Natsu?" Juvia smiled and Natsu scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I may or may not have told Lucy about our plan, and I may or may not have told her I like her, and we may or may not be dating." Natsu looked at the floor, bracing for a beating, but what he got was a hug.

"Juvia is so proud of you, and congrats on finally getting together with Lucy. Although, now what are we going to do now that the plan worked for you?" Juvia released Natsu from the hug and placed her hand on her chin.

"That's the thing, I told Luce to pretend around Gray that nothing happened between us and she said it was ok if we kept on pretend dating until tomorrow, so everything will keep going as we planned." Natsu beamed and Juvia's face lit up. She now knew Lucy didn't like Gray and that she didn't have to keep a secret from her anymore, which was a relief to Juvia.

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