Chapter 4: Uzumaki Naruto.

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Naruto ran through the streets, he was late for class at the academy. It was his third and final year of ninja academy and he had to pass this year. His first year he could barely do anything and had failed the genin test, and last year he had perfected the Henge jutsu, and learned the Kawarimi (Substitution) Jutsu, but he still couldn't make a simple bunshin (Clone).

The blond ran through the city, ignoring stares from the villagers, who looked upon him with disdain. The eleven year old didn't know what he had done that everyone hated him, he thought maybe it was something his parents had done but he couldn't confirm this as he didn't know who they were, and neither did anyone else, except for the Hokage, who refused to tell him.


Eight year old Naruto walked up to the Hokage Tower, ignoring the lady at the desk who scowled at him. He walked right up to the Hokage's room and opened the door. The Hokage was in the middle of a conversation with a silver-haired man. The man was wearing a Jonin vest and a mask, with his hitai-ate on diagonally so the you couldn't see his left eye.

"I think you should tell him Hokage-sama." The mask wearing Jonin said.

"He's not ready yet Kakashi." The old man responded, puffing on his pipe, "Hello Naruto, are you going to come in?" The leader looked towards the blond.

"Hey Jiji, I have a question." Naruto walked in and closed the door. He stood next to Kakashi.

"What is your question Naruto?" The Hokage asked.

"Why do all the villagers hate me?" Naruto asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"Naruto, what gives you the impression that they hate you?" The Hokage asked, though he already knew that the villagers hated Naruto.

"I always get mean looks from them, and today at the park I was playing with Sakura-chan, Ino, and Shikamaru. Then Yamanaka-san and Haruno-san came to pick Sakura-chan and Ino up, and then Haruno-san yelled at me, telling me to stay away from her daughter. Inoichi-san didn't say anything to Ino though. And Nara-san even said hello to me with a smile." Naruto said, "But I think that the villagers who aren't ninja, and even some of the ninja hate me and I don't know why."

"Hokage-sama, I truly believe that you should tell him." Kakashi was appalled at the treatment of treatment of his former sensei's son.

"Kakashi, while I understand where your anger is coming from, I cannot tell Naruto of his parentage, it is the wish of his late father." Hiruzen said.

"May I suggest something then?" Kakashi asked.

"You may." Hiruzen smiled, he had a feeling that Kakashi would do something for Naruto.

"May I adopt the boy, I don't want to change his name, but I do wish to ensure that he is looked after, I feel it is my responsibility." Kakashi said.

"Naruto, will you allow Kakashi to adopt you?" The Hokage turned to the blond.

Naruto looked at Kakashi, "Do you know who my parents are?"

"I do, but I can't tell you yet." Kakashi said, "I'm Kakashi Hatake." He put his hand out.

Naruto took his hand and smiled, "Naruto Uzumaki, future Hokage." Naruto shook Kakashi's hand as the Jonin smiled.

"I will arrange the papers for his adoption." Hiruzen smiled, Naruto wouldn't be alone anymore.

"Well Hatake-san, where are we going?" Naruto asked as Kakashi led him out of the office.

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