Chapter 34: Super Saiyan and Hades, Match of Unbelievable Power!

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It was the day of the second round of the chunin exams and the competitors once again stood in front of the Hokage. What competitors were there anyways. Sasuke and Naruto were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are Sasuke and Naruto?" Sakura asked Gohan, who was standing next to her.

"No clue" He whispered back.

Hiruzen looked at Gohan and raised an eyebrow, Gohan responded with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"I would like to welcome you all once more to the chunin exams." The elderly leader said to the large crowd, "Unfortunately two competitors are running late. As a result, if they do not arrive by the time their matches are called they will be eliminated, and their chances of promotion eliminated as well." The old man looked down, he really hoped that Naruto wasn't disqualified, the boy would be severely disappointed, "However, we will be moving on to the first match, Son Gohan!" The demi-Saiyan stepped forwards and the crowd roared, "Kai Tokuma!" Gohan's best friend also stepped forwards, his cloak flying to the edge of the arena, the crowd roared once more.

In a flash Genma and the Hokage had swapped places, "Could I ask any competitor that is not competing to leave the arena." The proctor asked, Sakura and Gaara complied, walking up to the examinee stands.

Gohan and Kai stood facing each other.

"Kai, do you mind if I make this match longer? I kinda wanna wait for my teammates to show up." Gohan asked as he slipped into a fighting stance.

"You can take me out as slowly as you liked, but I won't go easy on you." Kai said, "I can't afford to."

"BEGIN!" Genma announced. Kai sprung forwards, creating a sickle in either hand slashing at Gohan with stunning speed. The demi-Saiyan saw the attack in slow motion, moving behind Kai and smiling as his friend slashed at his after-image. Gohan smirked and crossed his arms, exploding in a burst of blue energy. He reappeared wearing his purple gi, a blue sash and bandages on his hands, going up to his mid-forearm. There was a sword on his back.

"Sword fight?" Kai smirked at Gohan's question, his two sickles becoming a sword like Gohan's, except black in color. Gohan drew his sword, a traditional english longsword. He swung it around, testing the weight, "Piccolo was right, I need to work on the blade more next time."

Kai was slightly confused at where Gohan's new clothes came from but decided not to question it, deciding instead to block Gohan's surprise slash, cracking the ground underneath the white haired youth.

Gohan jumped back and a white aura surrounded him, his blade glowing as he slashed the air horizontally towards Kai, a blue blade of ki flew at Kai, who blocked it with a deep purple ki blast. Kai met Gohan in a clash of golden sparks, sending waves of power rolling across the stadium. The two fought for dominance, their auras growing larger and larger as they pushed one another.

"Stop holding back Gohan!" Kai shouted, slightly angered that Gohan wasn't trying against him, "HADES! ENSHROUD ME!" Kai shouted, a large obsidian shell surrounded Kai and began cracking, with purple energy travelling through the cracks. Suddenly the entire rocky shell shattered, obsidian littering the ground and revealing Kai, his white hair was now straight and long, reaching his mid-back with a single strand over his face. His black outfit had been replaced by a black armor that, much like the obsidian shell, had purple energy coursing through its openings. Kai swung his right hand from his left shoulder to his right thigh, creating a katana with a black blade and purple handle wrappings.

"Calm down Kai!" Gohan yelled, his imperfect sword wasn't going to match Kai's sword. He saw that Kai hadn't stopped his slow gait and shook his head, "Fine." He powered up to Super Saiyan and threw his sword away. Gohan slipped into a fighting stance and waited for Kai to attack him.

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