Downfall of Suna Part 1: Gaara Unleashed!

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Gaara stood as part of a unit for the first time. Still wearing his usual burgundy garb with the large gourd on his back he stood in the center of a large force.

His siblings were by his side, Kankuro wearing a confident smile to hide his fear and Temari was looking worriedly at her younger brothers, Gaara was insanely powerful but Kankuro -while decent- was still a beginner at using puppets in combat. He shouldn't be here. She couldn't stop the frantic beating of her heart.

Baki, their old sensei, stood addressing the army since he was acting Kazekage.

"We don't know who they are or what they want, all we know is that there is around a hundred of them and all are expected to be at least A-Rank, with most being S-Rank." The man said, "When engaging do not stay fighting if you know you are going to die, we need all the manpower possible."

One Jonin spoke up, "Sir, with all do respect, I will not back down from a fight with my village on the line."

Baki looked the man in the eye, "Sometimes intelligence is worth more than pride." Baki said, "If you wish to die for your village at least make sure you get word of the enemy's abilities to someone else who will survive."

An hour later Baki led the group out into the desert. They were the fourth -and final- line of defense the village had, filled with genin, chunin, a few jonin, and retired shinobi of all ranks. They quickly caught up to the third group, who was fighting a large array of enemies.

Most shinobi were double or triple teaming the enemies. Even though the third group was filled with chunin and jonin there were many dead and it looked like the enemy had little to no casualties.

One in particular stood out to Gaara as he surveyed the battlefield. It was a woman wearing a bright kimono and fighting sixteen jonin at the same time with two large, curved swords that reflected all colors of the rainbow. She was... entrancing.

Gaara moved up to Baki, "Can you see her, she is dangerous." He said as one of the men fighting the colorful woman was cut down by one of her comrades, another shinobi immediately took his place.

Baki nodded, "You'll be useless against her, your attacks are too widespread, I'll take her out." He said as he sped off, two fingers extended on each hand.

Baki jumped in the air and began slashing the air with his hands "Wind Blade!" The jonin shouted, the blades cutting the woman into pieces.

"Baki, you've arrived." One of the men fighting her exclaimed, "That's great. Believe it or not that's only the third one taken down by any squadron." He continued, "These bastards are just too damn tough."

"Where's their leader?" Baki asked, "He'll be the strongest so we should try and take him out first."

The ninja looked around, "I can't find him, he's tall and muscular. His skin is a bronze color and he's got slick black hair."

Baki nodded, "Good work keep it up." He took off, jumping and throwing kunai, some laced with explosive tags.

As Gaara walked his allies ran past him, except for his sister Temari. She landed right next to him.

"Gaara, be safe out there." She said before continuing onwards.

"You too." Gaara said once she was out of earshot.

Temari whipped out her fan immediately, blowing away a man with a large python wrapped around his arms. He landed on an elderly Suna shinobi who stabbed the snake in the head. The man screamed and ripped the shinobi's head off before exploding and taking a large chunk of shinobi with him.

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