Chapter 5: Genin Test!

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It had been six months since the first Taijutsu exam and everyone had improved quite a bit. Today was the third last day of class, and it was the first day of the Genin exams. The class was outside waiting for Iruka to explain what they were to do.

Iruka walked out with Mizuki beside him, "Alright class, today is the first day of the Genin exams, I hope all of you are ready for it. Today we will be taking your final scores for both academics and Shurikenjutsu, I hope all of you are prepared." He smiled. The class lined up, guys in one line and girls in the other like normal, "Before we begin, I will tell you your current score." Iruka said.

Sasuke Uchiha: 45

Neji Hyuuga: 45

Teren Yamikaze: 45

Naruto Uzumaki: 42

Shino Aburame: 40

Kiba Inuzuka: 37

Choji Akimichi: 34

Rock Lee: 29

Arthur Yamikaze: 27

Shikamaru Nara: 25

Tenten: 50

Sakura Haruno: 45

Hanabi Hyuuga: 42

Ino Yamanaka: 40

Tempest Yamikaze: 37

Hinata Hyuuga: 32

"Alright, to pass you must have at least a 32 average between the score I just read and the score on this test." Iruka knew that only a few would have troubles, but this was only one part of the test.

Shikamaru went first, scoring 40 with three bullseye and two in the middle ring. Arthur got the same as Shikamaru. Lee got a surprising 50 points, Choji scored a 34 again. Kiba got a 37, Shino got a 45, Naruto earned a 50, Teren got 50 as well, Neji and Sasuke also got 50s.

Hinata managed to get a 40, Tempest also got a 40. Ino only managed to get a 37, Hanabi got 40, Sakura got 45, and Tenten of course got 50.

"Alright, I will read off your new scores." Iruka said as Mizuki handed him a scroll.

Sasuke Uchiha: 47.5

Neji Hyuuga: 47.5

Teren Yamikaze: 47.5

Naruto Uzumaki: 46

Shino Aburame: 42.5

Rock Lee: 39.5

Kiba Inuzuka: 37

Choji Akimichi: 34

Arthur Yamikaze: 33.5

Shikamaru Nara: 32.5

Tenten: 50

Sakura Haruno: 45

Hanabi Hyuuga: 41

Ino Yamanaka: 38.5

Tempest Yamikaze: 38.5

Hinata Hyuuga: 36

"Congratulations." Iruka said, "Now please follow me to the test room." He walked inside and led the students to their classroom, they all took their seats and a test was handed out. After an hour and a half, the test was over, everyone handed it in and left.

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