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It was game day; Something Viviana always looked forward to, but today? She was nervous beyond belief. Her sister Gia was going to tag along with her to ensure that Vivi was comfortable being at the stadium for the first time in almost three months.

Nerves were running through her body as she got ready, not really sure on what to expect upon arriving at Miller Park. That place had become a second home to her once she had gotten to Milwaukee and was with Christian all the time there, but, after not being there for a while, it felt like it was going to be a whole new readjustment. She wanted to stay home, but, she knew that she had to toughen up and prove to herself that she could face her fears and nerves and go to the game.

Viviana put on a pair of ripped jeans, looking through her Brewers gear, noticing that everything had Christian's last name on it. She sighed, throwing on a jersey he had given her as a gift. Viv looked at herself in the mirror, brushing down the jersey and took a deep breath; She definitely missed putting these jerseys on. Gia walked in and looked at Viviana, leaning against the wall.

"I bet that was a bit strange to put on.." Gia commented, Viviana looked over at her and nodded.

"I have nothing but shirts and jerseys with his name on them." She shrugged, putting on some yellow converse. "I know if someone sees me and knows who I am, they'll suspect something, but, I don't care at this point.." Viv walked out of her bedroom, into the living room.

"Well, you got me. So, if anyone tries to start shit, I'm right here." Gia said, grabbing a water out of the fridge.

Viviana nodded, checking her phone, and then grabbed a water as well. "I don't think anyone will, if anything, I'll be stopped for a picture or one of the wives or girlfriends will see me and want to talk to me." She shrugged, sighing as she grabbed her wallet. "I'm ready to go."

Gia nodded, grabbing the keys and walked out of their place and to the car. Viviana didn't tell Gia, but she was nervous beyond belief and was really good at putting on a fake smile; It took everything in Viv to go to this game today.


When the two arrived at Miller Park, Viviana took a deep breath before getting out of the car and walked to the back entrance, where she was still allowed to go in, despite not being with Christian anymore. She looked over at Gia, smiling slightly as they went to their seats. 

"Y'know, I'm really proud of you for doing this, Vi. It's a huge step in the right direction.." Gia commented, wrapping her arm around her sister's shoulder. "I know how stressed you are over this, and the whole relationship thing. I don't mean to be a snooper, but I heard your conversation with Garrett and Camryn last night..." She admitted, Viviana stopped in her tracks and just looked at her sister.

"Did you think it was a dumb idea? They suggested I do things that made Christian fall in love with me to make him fall in love with me again..." Viviana laughed, shaking her head. 

Gia shrugged, "I don't know, I've never heard of anyone doing that before, but I think it could possibly work! Depends on how you gain his attention." 

They got to their seats, Viviana noticed people were staring at her as she took her seat, which made her anxiety climb. She sat down, looking at Gia, "People are looking at me..." She said, "I should probably take this jersey off, I don't wanna-.." She started to unbutton the jersey, freaking out inside.

"Viv, stop. You're fine. If they're gonna make comments or stare? That's on them." Gia said cutting Viviana off. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise. We're going to have fun today and enjoy the game, have a nice sister bonding day." She said with a smile. 

Viviana nodded, looking at the field and then at her sister. "I thought it was so weird how the staff was still so nice to me." She shrugged, "I would've thought they would give me like a side eye or something for still coming in that way." She shook her head, laughing quietly. "Maybe I'm just over thinking.." She got up and looked at Gia, "I'm gonna go get something to eat and go to the restroom, do you want anything?" She asked, Gia shook her head.

Viv walked from her seat into the clubhouse entrance, walking through the hall there to make it an easier walk to the bathrooms. She looked around, remembering how she would walk with Christian down this hall before he went to the dugout and played. It was definitely a weird feeling walking alone in the hall. She could hear chatter coming from different rooms, but just brushed it off. When she walked out of the bathroom, she turned the corner and bumped into someone, causing her to stumble back a little.

"Oh, shit, sorry!" The person said, "Wait..Vi? Viviana?" Viviana looked and saw it was Ryan. Vivi smiled and nodded. 

"It's me, in the flesh." She said with a laugh before Ryan hugged her. 

"It's good to see you. How have you been?" 

Viviana sighed, "Y'know, going through the motions. Working, living life.." She said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

Ryan nodded, "I know you probably don't want to talk about the breakup, but just know that we care about you, okay?" Viviana nodded in response, looking at him. 

"Thank you, Ry." She said as she hugged him once more. "Good luck today.." She walked the opposite direction from Ryan, going to the concessions to grab a bite to eat. As she walked, she crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at her feet. 

Not paying attention to where she was walking, she ended up bumping into another person. She stumbled back, "Jesus, I need to watch where I'm walking." She said, looking up at the person and her heart sank into her stomach. 


losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now