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Christian was outside with Eiley as Viviana gave Sawyer a bath inside. Eiley decided to be a little daring and giggled as she swung on the swing, going ahead and jumped off. Except she missed her feet, catching herself on her little arm. Christian sprinted there as fast as he could as Eiley screamed in pain and agony.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" Christian asked his daughter, pulling her into his lap.

"DADDY!! OWIE!!.." She exclaimed as she cried into his neck.

"Can I look?" Eiley shook her head, crying harder as he gently took her hand and saw her arm swelling up fast. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Let's go get momma and we'll get your arm feeling all better, okay?" Eiley sniffled as Christian carefully picked her up and walked in the house. "Baby?? Where you at??"

Viviana was already out of the bathroom with Sawyer, panicking, "I heard her scream, what happened??"

"My arm, momma.." Eiley said in between sobs. Viviana frowned and looked at Christian,

"We need to get her to the doctor." Viviana told him and he nodded in agreement. "You're gonna be okay, baby... Can you tell momma what happened?" She looked at Eiley.

"I..I fell off swing.." Eiley was trying to breathe normally, but her little body was in so much shock, it was hard for her to speak normally.

"I should've been a little more faster, she wouldn't have fallen on her arm.." Christian said quietly, looking down, he felt terrible.

"Hey, it's okay. Accidents happen and she just has a little owie that will need to be casted up. It'll be fixed in no time. You get her in the car, I'll grab Sawyer's car seat." She smiled at Christian and kissed him gently.

Christian nodded, running his fingers through his daughter's curly hair, trying to calm her down. "Everything is going to be okay, princess. I promise. The doctor is going to make your arm feel so much better! It'll be like nothing ever happened.." He told her as he put her in her car seat and helped get Sawyer strapped in too before going off to the hospital.


Sure enough, it was a nice fracture in her arm. The doctor casted it up in a hot pink cast and even signed it for Eiley so she would feel a little better about her arm being all bandaged up.

Christian carried her inside as she slept against his shoulder. Viviana frowned, looking at Eiley, "I feel horrible.."

He looked at his wife, "She's gonna be okay, she's a tough little girl. We raised her." He winked, smiling at Vivi as he kissed the side of her head. "I'm gonna go lay her down.." Viviana nodded and Christian walked into Eiley's room, laying her down carefully in her bed, elevating her arm on a pillow so she wouldn't accidentally roll onto it.

Viviana sighed when Christian walked out of Eiley's room, holding Sawyer in her arms, "She's gonna feel so bad.." She almost muttered, shaking her head, "I should've been out there too.."

Christian tilted Vivi's chin up, "Hey. Like you said, it was an accident. I should've been a little faster getting her. I had no idea she was going to jump off the swing! She never does that and if she does, it's not from the height she did it at. She's just a little daredevil.." He shrugged, chuckling a little.

"Yeah," Vivi nodded, "I just feel so bad. Her little arm all casted up, she's not gonna know what to do.."

"We'll help her out. Right, Sawyer? We'll help sissy out?" Christian smiled, poking Sawyer's tummy, causing his son to giggle. "C'mere, little stinker." He took Sawyer from Viviana and kissed his cheek.

"Da..da..Dada.." Sawyer babbled out, Christian's smile went from cheek to cheek.

"Yeah! I'm your dada, buddy!" He looked at Vivi, "Baby, did you hear him?"

Viviana was smiling big too, "I did! Sawyer! You talking to dada?" She kissed his temple.

"Dadadadadada." Sawyer kept babbling as he hit Christian's shoulder lightly.

Christian was so happy. His son had finally said 'dada'; something he had been waiting for. He couldn't believe it. His little man was growing up.

"Yup, that's me!" He tossed Sawyer up, catching him. "You are getting too big! You gotta stop!" Christian coddled his son close. He was so in love with him and Viviana couldn't get over how amazing of a father Christian was with their two kids. It was so easy for him, and the two kids adored him, always wanted their daddy. Made Viviana fall more and more in love with him.

"You are such a good dad, Chris.." Viviana commented, leaning up to kiss his cheek, "You make these kiddos so happy, I.. I don't know what I would do if I was doing this on my own.." She said, looking at him.

Christian kissed Viviana lightly, pulling back with a smile on his lips, "And you are an amazing mother. These kids have the most beautiful, charming, caring, loving mother any kid could ever ask for. You are so strong, so brave, I admire that so much about you.." He told her, kissing her again before Sawyer pushed on their cheeks, giggling.

"Am I not allowed to give daddy a kiss, bubby?" Viviana looked at Sawyer before tickling his tummy, causing him to giggle louder. This was happiness. This was pure bliss.


Christian decided to try and cheer Eiley up and bring her to the ballpark with him. "You excited to see Uncle Ryan and Uncle Travis?" He asked his daughter as he held her uncasted arm walking into the ballpark.

"They see this?" She held her arm up, "They gonna laugh, daddy.."

Christian stopped and crouched down to her level, "Hey, no they're not! That just shows how strong you are. This cast is a shield. Protecting your arm from all the bad things." He kissed her forehead, "Maybe they'll sign it for you or draw a pretty picture on it, what do you think?"

Eiley nodded, holding her arms up as Christian picked her up and walked into the clubhouse.

"We got a special little guest in the clubhouse today!" Travis said, walking over to Christian and Eiley, "I heard that you have an owie on your arm, Eils. You feeling better?"

"Yeah, it hurt sometime, but, it better.." She said, laying her head on Christian's shoulder.

"Well, it's gonna be all better in no time! Scaring the bad guys away. Want me to draw a picture on it?" He asked her, Eiley nodded quickly in response. "Let me go grab a marker, c'mere." Christian set her down and Eiley grabbed Travis's hand as she walked with him over by his cubbie where he wrote a cute little message for her on her cast.

Ryan approached Christian, patting his back, "So how's everything been going?" He asked his friend as he sighed, sitting down.

"It could be better." Christian said, looking at Ryan, "Just feel so bad for Eiley, y'know? She just wants to have all this fun, but she's got that cast on. I brought her here today, maybe help get her mind off of it and Sawyer wasn't really feeling well so Viviana stayed back with him."

Ryan nodded, listening to Christian talk, "I'm sure Eiley is taking it like a champ, look at her, she's loving that Shaw is drawing on her cast."

Christian chuckled, looking over at his daughter as she was smiling so big as Travis drew a cute little picture for her on her cast. "Yeah, she loves the attention from it in that way, but when people ask what happen, she's very weird about it."

"She's little, she doesn't really understand." Ryan replied, "It'll come with time. Just gotta take it slow. She's still a little baby, technically."

"You're right," Christian said, "But she's still trying her best to help with Sawyer and help around the house. The girl is three years old and doing more than what I was doing at three," He laughed, "But, she's a good kid. I'm really proud of her."

"As you should be. You have raised some beautiful kids and Eiley is definitely a shining example of that. She's a polite, nice, caring girl. Definitely has both you and Vi in her."

That's all Christian ever wanted to hear.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now