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Viviana walked in holding Christian's hand as they entered the reception hall and walked over to the table, taking a seat next to each other. "Thank you guys for coming to our big day," Viviana said as she stood up, "We truly appreciate each and every one of you. Christian and I have been planning this day for a while and it truly is everything we dreamed of and more. Uh, I think we have a couple of speeches that are wanting to be said, and with that I'm going to hand the mic over to my best friend and my first maid of honor, Camryn."

Camryn smiled, hugging Viv as she took the mic. "Hi everyone," She laughed, "As Vivi said, I'm Camryn and I've had the amazing privilege of knowing Viviana since we were in third grade. I have been there for Vivi through all the good and bad times as she has been for me. She is the most beautiful, caring, kind-hearted person I've come to know and I don't know what I would do without her. I'm so glad that she found someone like Christian to make her happy and who supports her through everything. He is truly the man of her dreams, trust me, she would always talk about how attractive Christian was and how excited she got when Garrett and I got her a Yelich jersey." She giggled, looking at Viviana who was blushing.

"When I heard Viviana was going to be moving with Christian to Milwaukee, I'll admit, I was a little sad, but, I'm glad that she found someone that she can call her forever. They created a beautiful baby girl, they're amazing parents and I wish nothing but the best for them in their future. I love you both, and here's to them." She lifted her glass and smiled as she handed off the mic to Christian's brother Cameron.

"Well, I never really planned on making a speech for a wedding, as I didn't really think Christian would be getting married anytime soon," Cameron laughed, "But, I'm happy that he found someone who accepts him for the idiot he is." Christian shook his head at Cameron who just laughed again, "Being the youngest, I usually took all the slack from both Collin and Christian, but I was closest with Christian growing up. I looked up to my bro and always wanted to be him, have his career, you know, just jealous of the person he was. He really helped me as I made the decision to join the armed forces and I'm really glad I made the decision," Christian cheered and the rest of the guests clapped for him.

"I'm sure Collin can vouch for me saying that Christian is definitely a go-getter, he fights for what he wants, and he works hard for it. And he definitely didn't stop at trying to get Vivi to be his girl," He looked over at Christian who just rolled his eyes, "I'm happy that Viviana's in his life, and I'm happy to call her my sister, never thought I would say that I'm happy to welcome a sister into my life, but, here I am." He rose his glass, "Here's to the new couple."

As dinner went on, Vivi looked over at Christian and kissed his cheek, "I love you.." She smiled.

"I love you! Thank you for today.." Christian replied, leaning over and kissed her cheek as well. "I still can't get over how fucking amazing you look..."

Vivi blushed, shaking her head, "Stop it." She giggled,  putting her hand on his thigh, "You look so handsome.." Christian grabbed her hand, smiling as he kissed her lightly. She smiled against his lips, kissing him back. She pulled away and pecked his lips again, "We should probably go stop by everyone and say hi. Especially your friends from Miami." She told him, Christian nodded and got up, holding out his hand again as Viviana took it and walked with him.

The two stopped at tables, saying hello to everyone and stopped over by the table where Christian's friends he played baseball with in Miami. "Aye! There the MVP is!" Christian's friend Giancarlo said, patting his back. "How you doing, man?"

Christian smiled, "I'm glad you guys could make it! Definitely was great seeing you guys sitting out in the crowd." He gave all his friends a hug, "How have you guys been doing? I know you all are all over the country now playing ball."

"We've been good. I'm out in New York, which is pretty nice. We're working on offseason stuff, but, I'm excited to play you next season." Gian replied, hitting Christian's arm lightly. "Congrats to you two, you got a pretty girl on your hands." He smiled, giving Viviana a hug. "I met the little one, too! She is definitely like you, Yeli."

"Yeah, she's a little mini-me, honestly." Christian laughed, "But as long as she's happy, I'm happy." He held Viviana's hand, smiling over at her then looked at his friends, "But I'll stop by later, we gotta go say hi to other friends and family." He told them as he walked with Vivi to the table where some of his teammate were. "Surprised you guys haven't been hooting and hollering." Christian laughed.

Ryan shrugged, "We didn't want to embarrass you just yet," He chuckled, "We were waiting for the perfect moment."

Christian shook his head, "Thanks for coming, by the way. I really appreciate it..."

"Hey, thanks for inviting us. Really was a nice ceremony. Havent seen you cry in a little bit," The guys laughed, "Just messing with you. We're happy for you and Viv. Where's the honeymoon?"

Viviana looked at Christian then at the guys, "We're doing two nights in Vegas, then we're flying out to Fiji." She smiled. "I am so excited to get some sun."

"Eiley staying with family?" Ryan asked, Vivi nodded in response. "If you guys ever need someone to watch her, I'm sure my kiddos would love to spend some time with her."

Vivi smiles, "I'll give Larisa my sisters number if Celine wants to see Eiley." She gave Christians hand a light squeeze.

They walked around saying hi to their guests until it was time for their first dance. Christian led Viviana to the dance floor and smiled at her. Vivi smiled, grabbing both of his hands.

"Hi, beautiful." Christian whispered to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Vivi wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder as they swayed to the music. "Hi, handsome.." She replied, closing her eyes. Hesitate by the Jonas Brothers played in the background; Once Vivi heard the song one day, she knew that's the one she wanted at her wedding.

"I will take your pain, and put it on my heart. I won't hesitate, just tell me where to start. I thank the oceans for giving me you. You saved me once now I'll save you too.."

Viviana kissed Christians cheek lightly, looking at him. "I love you.." She said quietly as Christian kissed her, softly. Vivi moves her hands to his cheeks, kissing him back.

Christian pulled away from the kiss, "I love you, my beautiful wife.."

She couldn't believe this day happened. She was finally married to the man of her dreams, her best friend, the love of her life. This is all she wanted, and her whole world was coming full circle.

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