Chapter 2; Journey to Big Bear

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Smosh Winter Games (Damien Haas x Reader)
Chapter 2; Journey to Big Bear
Word Count; 5383


Running a little behind schedule because of my lack of setting a second alarm, I was now rushing around my apartment making sure that I had packed everything I needed. Doing one last round of the bathroom, I was interrupted by a loud knocking at my front door.

"Be right there!" Jogging over to the door I picked up my duffle bag, swinging it over my shoulder before opening the door. Shayne and Courtney stood in the hallway, both looking like they too had just rolled out of bed. Shayne stepped forward and grabbed the handle of my suit case before I could argue and began to walk back towards the stairs.

Looking back at Courtney I raised my eyebrows, "it's too early to even think about being awake." Smiling she nodded and held out her arm, looping my arm through hers we followed Shayne down the steps of my apartment building and out into the freezing winter chill, the sun not even daring to rise this early.

"Remind me again why Ian thought that us leaving at 3 in the morning was a good idea?" Courtney asked, most of her body weight was leaning up against me as we approached the van. Chuckling at her I just reached forward and flung open the door, helping her step up into the van. As soon as she was sat next to Olivia I stepped up into the van, the heating immediately riding my memory of the chill of the outside air. The only two seats left where in the front row, directly next to a sleeping Damien who had his head resting on what looked like a balled up jacket as a make shift pillow against the window. Shrugging, too tired to care, I sat on the long bench and scooted my body over, making room for Shayne to sit next to me.

Once the door was closed, Matt putt the van in drive and we began our journey. Closing my eyes I rested my head on the back of the seat and tried to fall asleep.

--------------------Time Skip-------------------

I was rudely awoken by someone screaming, "What's up you guys? It is currently 6am as our journey to Big Bear is taking longer than expected due to the sudden snow storm."

Groaning, I dug my hands deeper into my hoodie pocket and tried to fall back asleep despite a screaming Olivia taking up residence in the seat directly behind me. Blocking out whatever she was saying I was only startled again once I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, the extra body warmth was appreciated. Despite the heaters being turned up all the way, the winter storm chill seemed to still find a way to wiggle into the van and make us all just on the edge of uncomfortable. Sighing once again, I just pulled myself closer to the warmth that was being offered, my sleep deprived brain thinking nothing of it.


Again, I was startled into being awake...well I wasn't really asleep, just in that calm place in between sleep and awareness. Hearing but not really processing the things going on around me. This time instead of voices it was the movement of whatever I was leaning against that woke me. Sighing, I gave up on trying to sleep and brought a hand up to rub at my eyes. At this point whatever I was laying against had stopped moving and all noise seemed to have stopped for a moment.

The first thing that my brain processed was Shayne whispering, "are you awake?" I could feel his breath on my cheek as he spoke making me furrow my eyebrows.

"I am now," I started, my voice slightly scratchy from sleep, "and back up, bro. Your breath stanks." Opening my eyes I looked over at Shayne, a fake offended look plastered on his face as he looked down at me.

"How dare you, ma'am. I was just doing my best friend duty and seeing if you were awake before continuing my conversation," shaking my head at him I brought both of my hands up, trying rub the remainder of sleep from them. Once again, my pillow moved but, it was only at this point that my brain processed that the 'whatever' that had been moving earlier was actually a 'whomever.' Sitting up I stretched my arms above my head as far as they could go in the cramped space of the van.

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